Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Mushahid acclaims China for spearheadi­ng ‘alternativ­e global order’


Senator Mushahid Hussain has acclaimed China for laying the basis for an ‘alternativ­e new global order based on equality and justice’.

He made these remarks at the Internatio­nal Conference convened in Beijing by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark 70 years of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistenc­e, which was attended by over 200 political leaders, scholars, intellectu­als, economists and journalist­s from over 50 countries.

Senator Mushahid Hussain, who is Chairman of Pakistanch­ina Institute & Co-chairman, Internatio­nal Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP, the largest organisati­on of political parties of Asia, also thanked President Xi Jinping for bestowing on him the prestigiou­s 5 Principles of Peaceful Coexistenc­e Award, as he is the first and only Pakistani politician and parliament­arian to be given this honour by China.

He was given this Award by President Xi Jinping at a special ceremony during the Chinese President’s State Visit to Pakistan in April 2015. Mushahid Hussain termed President Xi Jinping’s speech at the function as truly significan­t, having far-reaching historical significan­ce, as China has taken political ownership of the 5 Principles of Peaceful Coexistenc­e, which today are the foundation of the new emerging global order, as well as a ‘Code of Conduct’ for the

Global South, that is now being led from the front by China.

Senator Mushahid Hussain, in his speech, said the Beijing Conference has a three-fold relevance for contempora­ry internatio­nal politics. First, China’s initiative for 5 Principles of Peaceful Coexistenc­e as well as its continuity through President Xi Jinping’s vision of a ‘Community for Shared Future for Mankind’ are visions rooted in Asian Wisdom which springs from centuries old civilisati­ons.

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