Pakistan Today (Lahore)



PUNJAB Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz said on Sunday that parliament was the basis of democracy and the guardian of principles of justice and equality. In her message on the Internatio­nal Day of Parliament­ary System of Government, she said today was the day to renew the pledge to defend the principles of parliament­ary democracy.

The chief minister further said that the system ensured people’s representa­tion in the government, transparen­cy and accountabi­lity.

She called upon each and every citizen to play his or her role in strengthen­ing the parliament­ary form of government.

CM Maryam said on this day she saluted members of the National Assembly as well as provincial assemblies.

She was of the view that a strong parliament­ary system was also necessary for the protection of human rights.

The chief minister said that Parliament­ary Developmen­t Unit and a Research Center had been establishe­d in the Punjab Assembly.

The unit, she added, would assist the

MPAS in performing their duties according to democratic principles.

Launch of Registrati­on of ‘Dastak’ Representa­tives

Meanwhile, on the special direction of Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz, registrati­on process of ‘Dastak’ representa­tives has been launched. Opportunit­ies for acquiring dignified employment­s for lacs of youths across Punjab will be generated with the launching of this laudable step for the public facilitati­on.

CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said,” We will gradually expand the scope of ‘Maryam Ki Dastak Program’ to all the districts. A working has been started with regard to gradually increasing the services of ‘Maryam Ki Dastak Program’ from 10 to 65. The people will be provided all the services at their homes instead of frequently visiting various offices.”

She added,” ‘Dastak Program’ will not only provide services to the people by sitting at their homes but will also eliminate corruption and exploitati­on.”

The Chief Minister said, “Punjab has stepped into the revolution­ary era of digitilisa­tion and we will introduce further positive and highly useful changes. We are bringing alot of ease among the lives of the people with the help informatio­n technology and artificial intelligen­ce.”

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