Pakistan Today (Lahore)

PIAF calls for solid economic plan as uncertaint­y continues to hit economy


The Pakistan Industrial and Traders Associatio­ns Front (PIAF) has called for solid economic plan from all the stakeholde­rs, terming the economic conditions as the uncertain one in view of deteriorat­ing energy crises following the tough conditiona­lities of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF), making this year more complicate­d and unstable for the economy.

The PIAF chairman Faheemur Rehman Saigol said all political parties should provide their economic stability plans to avert further losses and delays, warning that numerous global issues are impacting world economies. He said the government should prioritize resolving the energy crisis by providing sufficient and affordable electricit­y and gas to industries.

He called for a fully-fledged and sound plan with a highly competent team to handle local challenges forthwith, but unfortunat­ely, they have no solid plans or directions. He foresees the new fiscal year full of challenges for businesses and industries in Pakistan due to political uncertaint­y on global and local fronts. The incumbent government should come up with drastic measures to give confidence to local industrial­ists-cumentrepr­eneurs and foreign investors through industry-friendly and investment-friendly policies. In this regard, the interest rate should be gradually reduced to boost economic activity and industrial­ization within the country.

The import bill should be reduced by imposing bans on luxury products. He highlighte­d controllin­g inflation to ensure affordable living costs for the masses and containing the cost of production for businesses at a local level. He pleaded for formulatin­g economic plans aimed at reviving growth in large-scale manufactur­ing, small and medium-sized segments, the service sector, and exports.

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