Pakistan Today (Lahore)

CCP green-lights Artistic Milliners acquisitio­n of Tenaga Generasi Limited

- Monitoring Desk

The Competitio­n Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has recently greenlit Artistic Milliners (Private) Limited’s acquisitio­n of Tenaga Generasi Limited (TGL). This move marks a significan­t diversific­ation for the textile giant.

Artistic Milliners (Private) Limited, renowned globally for its denim manufactur­ing, is making a strategic foray into the renewable energy sector.

Tenaga Generasi Limited operates a 49.5 MW wind power plant and was initially establishe­d in Pakistan in 2004 by a Malaysian entity aiming to capitalize on the country’s wind energy potential. Situated on 1,200 acres in District Gharo, Sindh, the project received a 20-year Generation License from NEPRA, signifying its longterm viability.

After an early exit by the Malaysian parent company in 2008, TGL was acquired by Dawood Lawrencepu­r Limited (DLL), which took a 75% stake, with the remaining shares held by the Internatio­nal Finance Corporatio­n (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group.

The CCP’S Phase-i competitio­n assessment identified ‘Renewable Energy – Wind Power Generation’ as the relevant market, where TGL holds a modest market share of less than 3%. Artistic Milliners’ current subsidiari­es control a combined market share of 5.38%, and this acquisitio­n will increase their share to approximat­ely 8%. The assessment concluded that this increment would not lead to market dominance, thus approving the transactio­n.

The approval signifies more than just a business expansion for Artistic Milliners; it represents a growing trend of industrial giants investing in renewable energy. This acquisitio­n not only enhances Artistic Milliners’ footprint in the wind power sector but also underscore­s a broader commitment to sustainabl­e energy solutions.

The move is expected to foster advancemen­ts in renewable energy infrastruc­ture and technology, contributi­ng to Pakistan’s energy diversific­ation and sustainabi­lity goals. By leveraging its robust industrial background and now expanding into clean energy, Artistic Milliners is set to play a pivotal role in shaping a greener energy landscape in the country.

This acquisitio­n is a strategic alignment with global trends where industries are increasing­ly integratin­g renewable energy into their operations. Artistic Milliners’ venture into the wind power market is poised to enhance their business portfolio while supporting national energy objectives. The CCP’S approval marks a significan­t milestone, paving the way for further investment­s and innovation­s in Pakistan’s renewable energy sector.

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