Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Enemies perturbed over rapid nd progress under Shehbaz: Tarar


Federal Minister for Informatio­n and Broadcasti­ng and National Heritage and Culture Attaullah Tarar on Monday said Pakistan’s fast-track progress under the leadership of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had stunned its enemies who were dreaming its economic downfall.

“The disappoint­ed elements are fully perturbed as the prime minister has charted the country on path of progress and developmen­t,” Attaullah Tarar said while addressing a press conference.

The minister said a so-called leader while being at the helm of affairs in 2018 had adversely affected Pakistan’s relations with the brotherly countries, causing serious problems on the diplomatic front.

On the other hand, the government led by PM Shehbaz Sharif had not only mended relations with the brotherly states, besides restoring the country’s prestige in the global community, he added.

Tarar said the prime minister’s historic visit to China was “highly successful”, which had been marked by an unpreceden­ted level of enthusiasm and mutual cooperatio­n.

A multitude of issues, he said, were addressed during the visit, fostering the dawn of a new era in the bilateral relations of two countries which had been enjoying exemplary bonds for decades.

Their unparallel­ed friendship stood steadfast against all odds over the years, he added.

The minister said the Chinese leadership congratula­ted Pakistan on securing a seat in the United Nations Security Council and achieving 182 votes in the 193member General Assembly. China had played a significan­t role in helping Pakistan achieve the feat.

Chinese President Xi Jinping during the meeting that lasted for over three hours, personally felicitate­d Prime Minister Shehbaz on the achievemen­t, he added.

The prime minister, he said, had discussed the revival of Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) and the Mainline 1 (ML-1) projects during the meeting. A committee was formed to extend the ML-1 from Karachi to Multan and potentiall­y beyond, he added.

The minister said a total of 32 B2B agreements were inked among various business enterprise­s of the two countries.

Moreover, he said, some 500 entreprene­urs attended a business conference where many agreements and memorandum of understand­ings (Mous) were also signed to enhance business cooperatio­n between the two countries.

IT (informatio­n technology) exports would be enhanced with the visit of the prime minister to China, he said, adding that China had agreed to train 200,000 IT students.

Establishi­ng smart cities were also discussed during the meetings, the minister noted.

Tarar said that training of the youth would further increase IT exports by encouragin­g the tech startups to contribute to the national economy, positively.

He said Pakistan’s tech companies were competing with its foreign counterpar­ts and it was the responsibi­lity of the government to create a conducive environmen­t for them.

“Pakistan-china friendship is in our blood,” he said, lauding China for persistent­ly supporting Pakistan which was being reciprocat­ed in the same manner.

He said that the benefits of the upgradatio­n of CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) would reach the people of both countries.

He said Pakistan had already achieved economic stability, witnessed a reduction in price hikes with inflation declined from 18 to 11 percent, and experience­d overall economic improvemen­t. The foreign exchange reserves had increased to $14 billion, he added.

Terming the CPEC a lifeline of Pakistan, he said the Chinese leadership had vowed to upgrade the flagship project and now its process was moving forward at fast pace.

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