Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Shibli Faraz urges Senate chairman to run the House in accordance with rules

- ISLAMABAD Staff Report

Senate opposition leader Shibli Faraz on Saturday written a letter to Senate Chairman Yousaf Raza Gilani, arguing that PPP Senator Palwasha Khan’s chairing of Friday’s session in the deputy chairman’s presence was “underminin­g the respect and authority of the office”.

The Senate witnessed a heated exchange between the treasury and opposition benches on Friday as the PTI called out Palwasha for chairing the session in the presence of Senate Deputy Chairman Syedal Khan Nasir.

Senate Chairman Gilani presided over the proceeding­s but left 40 minutes into the session, upon which Senator Palwasha began chairing the session.

Soon after, PTI Senator Fauzia Arshad said it was regrettabl­e that

Palwasha was presiding over the session while the deputy chairman was present.

Palwasha replied it was the chairman’s prerogativ­e to make that decision, adding that the deputy chairman arrived after she had already begun chairing the session.

Continuing with a similar line of criticism as his fellow PTI senator, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shibli Faraz said: “Don’t make a

mockery of the House and don’t harm its sanctity. It is inappropri­ate that you sit as the deputy chairman [in his presence], who has a role in the chairman’s absence, and you make him a piece of decoration.”

The opposition leader and Palwasha had a heated exchange as the latter said the deputy chairman came in after her while Faraz insisted that Nasir was already seated in the Senate.

In his letter, which has seen, Shibli wrote: “According to Internatio­nal parliament­ary practices, it is deemed inappropri­ate and disrespect­ful for any member to preside over Senate sessions when the Deputy Chairman is present in the House.”

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