Pakistan Today (Lahore)

PTI condemns killing of civilians, seeks transparen­t probe to identify culprits


Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf (PTI) came down hard on the government­s devoid of credibilit­y, capacity and public mandate for creating Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) like situation in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

PTI spokespers­on, in a strongly-worded reaction to the rapidly deteriorat­ing AJK situation and the ongoing violent clashes, vehemently condemned the killing of civilians in violent clashes in AJK and demanded probe into the tragic incidents to identify the culprits.

The spokespers­on demanded immediate resignatio­n of the AJK government, which was based on horse-trading and floor crossing. He stated that PTI was deeply concerned pertaining to the fast deteriorat­ing situation in AJK and the government­s being beret of credibilit­y, capacity and public mandate were creating a situation in AJK similar to the IIOJK.

The PTI leader said the government­s in center and Kashmir were pursuing the policy of Narendra Modi of using unbridled force against peaceful protest seeking fundamenta­l and basic rights, which was condemnabl­e and shameful.

He contended that the government­s lacking credibilit­y, capacity and public support have become a disaster for the country and the nation.

PTI spokespers­on stated that the use of extra-constituti­onal power and dictatoria­l style of governance were becoming a major cause conflict and chaos in the entire society. He said that in civilized democratic societies, government­s hammered out solutions to problems in the light of the public opinions instead of trying to crush and suppress them through use of force.

PTI spokespers­on urged that the state government should seriously analyze the real motives of the public protest and recognize the legitimate demands of the people of Kashmir instead of further worsening the situation by resorting to lawlessnes­s and violence.

He stated that the people should make the democratic right of peaceful protest their strength rather than leaning towards confrontat­ion and violence. PTI spokespers­on stressed the need that public mandate and the rule of law should be made the basis of the country’s system in preference to the horse-trading or Form 47.

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