Pakistan Today (Lahore)

AJK govt accepts ‘all demands of AAC’ as protesters march towards Muzaffarab­ad


He gave credit to Pakistan’s establishm­ent and the army chief for taking a special interest in resolving the problems of the AJK people. He further said that the notificati­on will come into effect immediatel­y and it was a permanent arrangemen­t which would be part of forthcomin­g budget for FY2024-25.

As per the notificati­on, the flour price has been reduced from Rs3,100 to Rs2,000 per 40 kilogramme­s. Subsequent­ly, electricit­y prices will be Rs3 per unit for usage between 1-100 units, Rs5 per unit for usage between 100-300 units and Rs6 per unit for the 300above slab. Commercial rates of electricit­y have been fixed at Rs10 per unit for 1-300 unit slab and for the slab of 300 or above, the rate has been fixed at Rs15 per unit. Despite the notificati­on of subsidies and government’s assurances, clashes between the AAC protestors with the ‘law enforcemen­t agencies’ continued in Muzaffarab­ad. A man was injured during the clashes, who later succumbed to his wounds. It may be noted that a policeman was also killed during the clashes on Saturday. Earlier, media reported that the latest notificati­ons would be read out before the protesters in Muzaffarab­ad before calling off the protests today. The AAC protestors had decided to continue march on Muzaffarab­ad, refusing to go home despite the approval of a Rs23 billion grant by PM Shehbaz on an urgent basis to resolve issues of people in the AJK.

The developmen­t came after violent protests erupted in the AJK on AAC’S call against inflated electricit­y bills and taxes.

A meeting presided by the PM that approved the grant was summoned over unrest in AJK. It was presided by the PM and attended by federal ministers and leaders of the allied parties. It reviewed the developing situation of the territory thoroughly.

The Kashmiri leadership and participan­ts of the meeting thanked the premier for the financial aid.

Meanwhile, AJK Chief Secretary Muhammad Usman Chachar said a deal regarding the AAC’S demands had been reached. He told that internet services in AJK were also restored. The AAC called for a shutter down and wheel-jam strike across the state to protest the electricit­y price hike and taxes. However, the situation escalated as the protestors and police clashed. A sub-inspector was killed while dozens other policemen and protesters also got injured during the teargas shelling by the police and stone pelting by the demonstrat­ors. The violent protesters damaged multiple vehicles, including a magistrate’s car at the Poonch-kotli road. Moreover, markets, trade centres, offices and schools and restaurant­s remained closed across the AJK.

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