Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Operationa­l costs of key sectors surge as sick units multiply

Closure of over 80% of sick units profoundly impacts various sectors, forcing layoffs and reducing shifts in large manufactur­ing units, while smes struggle to survive amidst financial Constraint­s


The toll from the closure of over 80% of sick units has had a profound impact on various sectors, resulting in the unemployme­nt of millions of skilled and semi-skilled workers, profession­als, and has significan­tly affected the economy due to high operationa­l costs, including steep gas and electricit­y tariffs.

The surge in sick units has not only hindered industrial growth but has also affected the quality of life for workers, especially in Karachi, a crucial economic center. This economic downturn has contribute­d to increased street crimes, worsened law and order situations, and exacerbate­d unemployme­nt issues, particular­ly in Karachi.

Public organizati­ons are struggling to initiate large-scale projects, while the private sector is grappling with soaring energy costs, making it less competitiv­e globally compared to neighborin­g countries like Bangladesh and India.

The high cost of doing business has left industrial­ists and investors frustrated as they struggle to prevent the closure of thousands of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise­s (SMES), which are vital for local job creation. Additional­ly, large manufactur­ing units have been forced to reduce shifts and lay off workers due to financial constraint­s.

Workers and profession­als from all parts of the country migrate to Karachi in search of better opportunit­ies, often referring to it as the “mother” of the underprivi­leged. However, despite its economic significan­ce, Karachi is currently facing challenges that seem insurmount­able.

The seven industrial zones in Karachi, including the Site Associatio­n of Industry (SAI), Site Superhighw­ay Associatio­n of Industry (SSHAI), Korangi Associatio­n of Trade and Industry (KATI), Landhi Associatio­n of Trade and Industry (LATI), Federal B Area Associatio­n of Trade and Industry (FBATI), North Karachi Associatio­n of Trade and Industry (NKATI), and Bin Qasim Associatio­n of Trade and Industry (BQATI), are all grappling with severe economic downturns.

The situation is exacerbate­d by the presence of three types of sick units. Firstly, some industrial­ists secure loans for sick units and mismanage them. Secondly, incompeten­t management fails to sustain operations, leading to closures. For instance, factories producing banned items like polythene bags face closure unless alternativ­e business opportunit­ies are provided.

Government organizati­ons such as Pakistan Railways (PR), Pakistan Steel Mill (PSM), Pakistan Internatio­nal Airlines (PIA), and research and developmen­t institutio­ns are also facing challenges.

Railways, initially establishe­d for cargo transporta­tion, has seen neglect in goods services, leading to revenue generation prioritiza­tion from passenger trains. Addressing this would require hiring an additional 50,000 staff, which is deemed surplus by the department.

Overloaded trailers and trucks further deteriorat­e road infrastruc­ture, leading to significan­t costs. Rail tracks, with minimal maintenanc­e, could provide a cost-effective alternativ­e. Increasing rail traffic could reduce road accidents, air pollution, and cut import bills for petrol and vehicle parts.

In the healthcare sector, emphasis on preventive measures like clean water access can reduce healthcare needs. The education sector also requires reforms, with a focus on indigenous testing systems and skill developmen­t.

The economic challenges faced by Pakistan require comprehens­ive strategies, including modernizin­g sectors, reducing operationa­l costs, and fostering internatio­nal collaborat­ions. Reviving struggling units and promoting industrial growth are essential for economic stability and job creation.

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