Pakistan Today (Lahore)


- ISLAMABAD Staff Report

AMBASSADOR of Iraq to Pakistan, Hamid Abbas Lafta has trade between Pakistan and Iraq through Gwadar and Basra seaports would be further strengthen­ed bilateral relations between the two countries taking them to new heights.

“The two sides are committed to foster their multilater­al relationsh­ip and that Pakistani manpower has a vast spectrum in the fields of agricultur­e, medical and petrochemi­cal in Iraq.”

He said that the two countries also enjoy exemplary ties in the field of defence and that Iraq has recently procured a complete package of Super Mushahk from Pakistan.

The Ambassador was talking to a delegation of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) led by its President Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari which called on him here on Saturday.

Envoy Hamid Abbas Lafta said that both the countries always demonstrat­e complete harmony at regional and internatio­nal forums, adding that Iraq is a country of opportunit­ies with strong economy, having annual budget of $110 billion and wants to promote ties with all the countries.

Although both Pakistan and Iraq were bonded in strong relationsh­ip yet the trade relations were at the lowest level which needed to be enhanced and for this purpose the Chambers of both the sides can play a significan­t role, he mentioned.

The envoy further said that the Iraqi government has unveiled its national action plan for the investment­s and the Pakistani businessme­n have to come forward to avail these opportunit­ies.

Hamid Abbas further said that the doors of his embassy are open for the business community of Pakistan in particular for the ICCI and that the Embassy will feel pride in sharing the Iraq’s business opportunit­ies with the Chamber for the benefit of the business community.

Speaking on the occasion, President ICCI Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari said that despite having a huge potential by both the sides, the trade volume was not upto the mark and to overcome the problem direct connectivi­ty between the two brotherly countries was much needed.

He said that along-with other multiple investment opportunit­ies in different areas Pakistan also enjoys the tourism potential especially the northern areas, thereby the Iraqi side must grasp this opportunit­y also.

The business leader said that the ICCI will chalk out a plan for its participat­ion in the Trade Exhibition to be held in Najaf in the month of June to showcase its products in Iraq to boost business ties between the two countries.

Ahsan Zafar further said that the ICCI was determined to play its role in the promotion of business relations between the two countries.

Secretary General UBG Zafar Bakhatwari expressed the hope that the Ambassador being a dynamic figure will continue to play his role in furthering the ties between the two countries and that in this connection the bilateral visits of highest leadership of both the sides will be a momentous. Executive member ICCI Ch. Mohammad Ali was also part of the delegation.

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