Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Message AMB. DR. M. NAFEES ZAKARIA Executive Director COMSATS


TWENTY-THIRD March holds a special importance for Pakistan owing to its ideologica­l significan­ce to the country that predates even its independen­ce in 1947. On the auspicious occasion of 84th Anniversar­y of Pakistan Day, celebrated every year with zeal and fervor by Pakistanis at home and abroad, I extend felicitati­ons to the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on behalf of COMSATS’ fraternity.

For a country that had very humble beginning and constraint­s in terms of infrastruc­ture and resources, Pakistan's journey in science and technology has been remarkable with some major and pioneering strides in a variety of scientific fields. Establishm­ent of institutio­nal arrangemen­ts in nuclear paradigm came very early on with Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) that started leading advancemen­ts in nuclear technology in 1956, promoting peaceful use of nuclear technology for energy production and medicine, with potential to grow from currently 4% to increase steadily in the energy sector.

The country’s achievemen­t of launching the first indigenous­ly developed satellite in 1990, important technologi­cal capabiliti­es in the field of defense with building of its own fighter jets and submarines, and a whole range of essential elements for self-defense, technologi­cal/technical assistance to other countries with trainings, capacity building and the spirit of sharing expertise and knowledge are some of the hallmarks.

Pakistan’s Science Diplomacy front is rich with remarkable associatio­ns with Science organizati­ons, such as the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) with key role in the contributi­on to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). CERN Member since 2015, Pakistan has a notable participat­ion in various projects and experiment­s in the field of high-energy physics. Pakistan's membership in CERN reflects its commitment to advancing scientific research and collaborat­ion in the larger interest of the internatio­nal community.

The country has produced one of the finest seasoned scientists with illustriou­s scientific achievemen­ts to their credit at home and abroad. Prof. Dr. Abdus Salam, the iconic Pakistani scientist and Nobel Laureate, was, thankfully, the founder of COMSATS. The idea of such an Inter-government­al organizati­on and ideology behind it is surely a cherishabl­e gift to his homeland. The organizati­on he envisioned is now a pivot point of internatio­nal cooperatio­n for science, technology and innovation among 27 developing countries. I extend sincere gratitude for Pakistan’s generous hosting of the organizati­on since 1994, and recognize with appreciati­on the coordinati­on and support of COMSATS' Focal Point in the host country, the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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