Pakistan Today (Lahore)

China maintains communicat­ion on possible peace talk in Switzerlan­d on Ukraine crisis: Diplomat


China’s Special Representa­tive on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui, who just concluded the second round of shuttle mediation between Russia, Ukraine and other European countries, delivered a briefing in Beijing on Friday, saying that China has communicat­ed with Switzerlan­d on a potential peace talk conference, and that any peace talks should be recognized by both Ukraine and Russia.

The briefing was attended by diplomats and embassy representa­tives in Beijing from 78 countries and regions including Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France and EU. At a time when the Russia-ukraine conflict has been escalating as it enters its third year, as permanent member of the UN Security Council and a responsibl­e country, China has always been committed to mediating and promoting peace, and never standing by idly, Li said.

As the conflict continues to deteriorat­e, with no signs of tension easing, the most urgent task now is to launch the peace talk as soon as possible, the Chinese diplomat said. Li visited Russia, the EU headquarte­rs, Poland, Ukraine, Germany and France from March 2 to 12, and held talks with relevant parties on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, had an in-depth exchange of views, and traveled intensivel­y to mediate among different parties and convey informatio­n.

All sides attached high importance to Li’s visit and commended China’s effort of promoting talks for peace, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

“The purpose of our diplomatic shuttle this time is clear, to engage in in-depth communicat­ion with Russia and Ukraine, the two war-engulfed countries, as well as with relevant European nations, and based on the latest developmen­ts in the current situation, to jointly seek ways for an early political resolution of the crisis,” Li said.

The Chinese diplomat also shared some prominent impression­s about the visit. In Russia, Chinese and Russian diplomats held in-depth conversati­ons and both believed that maintainin­g dialogue on the main crisis reflects the high-level strategic coordinati­on between the two countries. Russia appreciate­s China’s efforts in carrying out the second round of shuttle diplomacy during the crisis and recognized that the Ukraine crisis has to be resolved ultimately by negotiatio­n, Li said. The Russian side also raised its own opinions on peace talks, reiteratin­g its willingnes­s to engage in comprehens­ive negotiatio­ns on the Ukraine crisis.

The Chinese diplomat also emphasized that the Ukrainian side also attached great importance to his visit. The Ukrainian side expressed that they highly value the Ukraine-china relations, and are willing to push forward the bilateral relations and trade ties while maintainin­g people-to-people exchanges.

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