Pakistan Today (Lahore)

China’s economy off to steady start in first two months of 2024: Officials


China has started 2024 on a steady note with the economy underpinne­d by a stable financial ecosystem and increases in investment­s, officials reported on Thursday.

The officials, speaking at a media conference, were representa­tives from the country’s top economic planner the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Finance and the People’s Bank of China (PBOC).

NDRC announced a rebound in private investment, which surged by 2.2 percentage points from the previous year to account for 52.6 percent of total investment during January and February.

This growth was complement­ed by a 6.3-percent rise in infrastruc­ture investment during the same first two months, growing 0.4 percentage point quicker compared to last year, and thereby bolstering the overall investment landscape, Liu Sushe, the NDRC’S deputy head, added.

Despite a 2.3-percent decline in fiscal revenue year on year for January and February, Chinese Vice

Finance Minister Liao Min noted that there was an increase of 2.5 percent after adjusting on comparable basis.

In addition, fiscal expenditur­e during this period grew by 6.7 percent, utilizing 15.3 percent of the annual budget, marking the fastest pace of expenditur­e over the last five years for the same period, Liao explained at the press conference.

Highlighti­ng the financial sector’s contributi­on, PBOC Deputy Governor Xuan Changneng noted that there have been intensifie­d macro-policy adjustment­s, ensuring a reasonable expansion in credit and financing.

With ample room for reserve requiremen­t ratio cuts and given shifts in global monetary policies, China aims to enhance the flexibilit­y of its interest rate policy, said Xuan, highlighti­ng China’s robust monetary policy framework.

These developmen­ts underscore China’s strategic commitment to fostering a balanced and dynamic economic landscape, leveraging policy and financial tools for a stable and progressiv­e beginning to the year, officials said.

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