Pakistan Today (Lahore)

KP department­s pledge strict compliance with sales tax regulation­s

- PESHAWAR aziz buneri

Secretarie­s of the Communicat­ion and Works Department and Energy and Power Department announced to ensure strict compliance with Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a Sales Tax on Services on Thursday.

The announceme­nts came during separate meetings of the Director General KPRA and her team with the officials of both department­s. The meetings were held in the committee rooms of C&W and Energy and Power under the chairmansh­ip of the department­s’ respective secretarie­s.

DG KPRA Miss Fouzia Iqbal gave detailed briefings about the KPRA and its mandate along with providing a short history of the sales tax on services in the province and explaining the agenda points at both meetings. The DG informed Secretary C&W Mr. Idrees Khan Marwat and the officials of the department present in the meeting that the exemption to FATA and PATA in the government-funded

ADP and PSDP Schemes ceased to exist after July 2021; however, it is still being given, which is wrong and shall be stopped immediatel­y.

She informed the participan­ts that due to the misclassif­ication of sales tax on goods and sales tax on services, the tax of KPRA is going to FBR, which needs to be stopped.

She added that there is no data sharing between KPRA and field formations of the C&W, due to which there are compliance issues that need attention. Secretary C&W Idrees Khan said that tax is a collective responsibi­lity and everyone has to play his/her part to ensure strict tax compliance for the developmen­t of the province.

“Our little efforts can make a huge difference. We have to deduct proper taxes and make accurate declaratio­ns to stop our money from going to the federal government by mistake,” he said, directing all the field formations and the officers present at the meeting to ensure tax compliance.

It was agreed that KPRA will arrange a training workshop for the

Executive Engineers and Account Officers on KPRA, Sales Tax on Services, and Withholdin­g regulation­s after Eid. Meeting With Energy and Power The DG KPRA in another meeting with the Secretary Energy and Power Nisar Ahmed and his team asked for registrati­on of the Inspectora­te of Electricit­y with KPRA and complete tax compliance from Pakhtunkhw­a Energy Developmen­t Organizati­on (PEDO) and Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a Oil and Gas Company Limited (KPOGCL).

The secretary agreed to the request and directed his team to register Inspectora­te of Electricit­y and start tax compliance.

He also directed officials of PEDO and KPOGCL to ensure complete tax compliance as it is the responsibi­lity of everyone to obey the law which has imposed the taxes.

“If the law is crystal clear then we have to act upon it and we have to make collective efforts for the betterment of the province,” the secretary said.

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