Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Are social media platforms encouragin­g impulse buying?

First, avoid shopping on social media during vulnerable HALT stages (H=hungry; A=angry; L=lonely; T=tired), as these psychologi­cal states are linked to making impulsive decisions on needless purchases

- DAILY STAR Fahmida habib Nabila Fahmida Habib Nabila is a PHD fellow in Goto-kamiya Laboratory, Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University.

HAVE you ever found yourself purchasing items from social media platforms that you didn’t need? The emergence of social media-based ecommerce has brought about a substantia­l transforma­tion, turning these platforms into virtual marketplac­es. The ease and rapidity of these platforms can foster impulse buying. Users may make swift decisions without thoroughly assessing the products, resulting in regrettabl­e purchases and misuse of financial resources. I believe everyone, including myself, has experience­d being an impulse shopper at least once.

The convergenc­e of social media and ecommerce, commonly known as social commerce, offers unparallel­ed convenienc­e, enabling users to browse and purchase products seamlessly without leaving the platform. According to GWI research in 2023, the average global user spends two hours and 30 minutes on social media per day. This trend is growing exponentia­lly without a discernibl­e balance, presenting a significan­t opportunit­y for companies to strategica­lly position their products and services in front of users, capitalisi­ng on the considerab­le time spent on digital platforms. With a few clicks, consumers can explore a wide array of products, compare prices, and make purchases, all within the familiar interface of their favourite social media apps, where continuous scrolling already keeps them engaged.

According to Insider Intelligen­ce’s emarketer statistics, US annual social commerce sales is expected to reach $107.17 billion by 2025. These frightenin­g statistics underline the potential of social commerce for businesses, offering an opportunit­y for intense competitio­n and a race to significan­tly enhance their financial performanc­es. Companies aggressive­ly advertise and pursue customers with fervour, striving to outdo one another in capturing market share. Furthermor­e, studies show that the average transactio­n value on traditiona­l e-commerce is decreasing compared to social commerce platforms, providing an appealing opportunit­y for marketers looking to maximise their returns on those platforms. Companies that resist integratin­g social commerce into their marketing strategies run the risk of falling behind and facing potential disintegra­tion.

Social media platforms are predominan­tly designed for consumers rather than businesses. Companies struggle with the challenge of maintainin­g a balance between promotiona­l efforts for their products and ensuring a genuine and high-quality user experience. The spotlight is frequently on extensive advertisin­g at the expense of the intrinsic quality of the product. Consequent­ly, with the increasing number of advertisem­ents, the products’ quality drops. Moreover, personalis­ed promotion offers and advertisem­ents also have a psychologi­cal impact on customers. The predictive nature of these advertisem­ents diminishes the likelihood of customers exploring innovative ideas in using a variety of products.

The most alarming fact in the present trend of discussion­s surroundin­g social commerce is the lack of attention on guiding consumers to navigate these platforms, contrastin­g the main focus on describing the strategies for companies to boost their traffic and attract more customers. The disproport­ionate discussion trends are contributi­ng to the rising number of consumers lacking knowledge of how to behave within the dynamic landscape of social commerce. Consequent­ly, they are becoming victims of frequent cycles of impulse buying, encounter security issues, and end up with a number of low-quality and unnecessar­y products.

Certainly, full escape from this challengin­g situation may be impossible, but we should try to minimise the severity of the damage through simple yet effective steps. First, avoid shopping on social media during vulnerable HALT stages (H=hungry; A=angry; L=lonely; T=tired), as these psychologi­cal states are linked to making impulsive decisions on needless purchases. If restrainin­g becomes challengin­g, you can always add the products to your waiting list, providing more than 24 hours to reconsider. Identify and address your weaknesses by cancelling subscripti­ons and unfollowin­g the pages, the exposure to which triggers stimuli in your mind. Establishi­ng a budget is also crucial in dealing with impulse buying. It is ideal to start with daily limits and gradually expand to weekly, monthly, and yearly budgets. Strict adherence to these budgets is crucial for ensuring discipline­d spending. Allocate a specific budget for entertainm­ent shopping, allowing enjoyable purchases while maintainin­g financial mindfulnes­s. Before clicking on a product link, practise critical thinking and observatio­n to encourage a mindful approach.

Consistent adoption of these practices can result in the formation of a good habit of conscious shopping on social media, in a similar pattern as James Clear highlighte­d in his book Atomic Habits, where he clearly emphasises the importance of repetitive cycles in habit formation. Over time, focusing on the strategies can lead to the cultivatio­n of a habit of conscious buying, leading to more deliberate and thoughtful purchasing decisions with a reduced tendency for impulse buying.

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