Pakistan Today (Lahore)

KE claims 71% of network jurisdicti­on remained exempt from load-shedding

- KARACHI staff report

Load-shedding regime for KE’S service territory has experience­d no significan­t change following a routine review of the company’s network of over 2,000 feeders. The last review was conducted in September 2023.

The latest schedule is published on the company’s website and is effective from January 01, 2024. Customers can also check for their latest updates via the KE Live App and KE Whatsapp service.

Commenting on the update, Spokespers­on KE stated, “We continue to evaluate our network to ascertain the levels of regular bill payment and electricit­y theft, which are critical determinan­ts of the loss profile of any area. 71% of our network is receiving uninterrup­ted power supply, while the remaining 29% experience­s loadsheddi­ng in proportion to the area’s loss profile with a maximum duration of 10 hours in a day. As a company, we continue to extend our fullest support to improve electricit­y supply to these areas through a combinatio­n of community engagement and facilitati­on and increased vigilance and governance against theft. We appreciate those customers and elected representa­tives who share our vision to brighten Karachi and are working with us to address the challenges at grassroots level.”

Regular bill payment and reduced line losses have resulted in consistent power supply to areas such Gulistan-e-johar Block 8 and

Block 9 served by “Pink Park RMU” and Korangi Sector 33 Darea and R-area served by “Rehmania Masjid” feeder where reduction in losses is resulting in reduction in loadshed duration by up to 6 hours. In the same vein, areas in Surjani such as Sector5d, Sector-5b, 5C and others served by “Sallu Garden” feeder will also see a 4-hour reduction in loadshed duration.

On the other hand, a deteriorat­ion in the loss profile of some areas has resulted in an increase in loadshed duration. This includes a 4 hour increase in duration in areas such as Landhi 37A, Gul Mohammad Khan Goth in Landhi served by “Atlas Autos” feeder. Similarly, areas such as Muslim Town area of North Karachi, Rehman Colony will experience up to 6 hours of loadshed.

The spokespers­on further stated that these areas will be rigorously monitored till the next review. He further emphasized saying that “free electricit­y” as a provision can no longer be sustained where bill payments are low or on the decline. The company has been able to ensure reliable electricit­y supply through investment in its infrastruc­ture while deploying enhanced governance protocols to remove kundas from the network.

Since the start of the year, KE has conducted over 24,000 drives across the city and removed more than 230,000 kgs of illegal wires stealing electric power. Additional­ly, as part of the national campaign against electricit­y theft, the power utility is working closely with the government and law enforcemen­t agencies against those involved in power theft. KE pledges its earnest support to those willing to work with the company to eradicate power theft, a critical step towards improvemen­t of power supply in high loss areas.

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