Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Chinese language learning brings job opportunit­ies to Pakistani youth: Dr Tahir


Chinese language learning brings job opportunit­ies to Pakistani youth, said Dr. Tahir Mumtaz Awan, Director of the China Study Centre at COMSATS University at the 2023 CPEC and People-to-people Exchange Forum.

China is Pakistan’s largest trading partner. Proficienc­y in Chinese can open up job opportunit­ies, especially in sectors related to trade, technology, and infrastruc­ture.

According to Dr. Tahir Mumtaz Awan

China is becoming an increasing­ly popular destinatio­n for Pakistani students pursuing higher education. As Pakistan’s youth population represents a significan­t proportion of the country’s workforce, investing in their skills developmen­t through language learning is crucial for national developmen­t.

Learning Chinese can promote cultural understand­ing and exchange between the people of China and Pakistan, fostering stronger people-to-people ties. Efforts are being made in Pakistan for Chinese learning, including establishi­ng China-pakistan

Higher Education Research Institutes and the CPEC Consortium of Universiti­es,” he added, Gwadar Pro reported on Sunday.

The Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi has been committed to promoting people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan.

It has implemente­d the 2+2 joint training program for undergradu­ate Chinese language majors with Sichuan Normal University, co-built a Chinese language practice base with the Karachi Branch of the Bank of China, and set up the first Chinese

language teaching center under CPEC in the Thar Block-1 Integrated Mine-power Project undertaken by Shanghai Electric, providing language support for the constructi­on of CPEC.

“With their excellent language skills, the outstandin­g students trained by the Confucius Institute hold important positions in our bank, effectivel­y communicat­ing with Chinese employees and customers.

They become an important link of cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan, creating a more harmonious and inclusive environmen­t for the developmen­t of our bank,” said Mr. Yin Xiaohu, Deputy CEO of Bank of China, Karachi Branch on the occasion.

The forum, organized by the Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi and coorganize­d by Confucius Institutes at Faisalabad Agricultur­al University, University of the Punjab, University of Sargodha, Confucius Institute in Islamabad, Confucius Classroom at Cadet College, and Millennium Confucius Classroom, brought together 130 business leaders, cultural figures, scholars, and students from China and Pakistan.

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