Pakistan Today (Lahore)

CM Naqvi hopes year 2024 will bring prosperity for Pakistanis

- LAHORE Staff Report

Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi while congratula­ting the nation on the arrival of New Year 2024 stated that our resolve is much higher than the challenges.

In a message on the arrival of New Year, CM Naqvi said: “Hopefully, the year 2024 will bring a ray of hope for the Pakistani nation. Every achievemen­t is possible with determinat­ion, resolve and hard work.” CM underscore­d that it is our utmost strive to bring betterment among the lives of common people in the year 2024. Pakistan has commenced its journey of progress and it is not going to halt now. The future of Pakistan is bright and prosperous. Mohsin Naqvi underlined that we should say good bye to the year 2023 and welcome the new year 2024. We will have to take into account over achievemen­ts and failures. We reiterate our pledge to utilise all our abilities in order to make Pakistan a prosperous country. ‘ACCELERATE UPGRADATIO­N WORK OF LAHORE ZOO’: Meanwhile, caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has directed the authoritie­s concerned to accelerate upgradatio­n work on Lahore Zoo.

He issued the directives during his visit to Pakistan’s largest Lahore Zoo on Sunday to inspect the upgradatio­n work.

Mohsin Naqvi expressed his grave disappoint­ment over the low pace of work. He called for the Punjab Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Authority team at Lahore Zoo and directed them to pace up the work on an immediate basis.

CM Naqvi also instructed the zoo authoritie­s to speed up the process of bringing new animals to the Lahore Zoo. The chief executive of the province directed the zoo administra­tion to make the place more accessible for kids.

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