Pakistan Today (Lahore)

ECC approves Rs320b for power sector, phases out export finance scheme


- PROFIT News Desk

The Economic Coordinati­on Committee (ECC) of the cabinet has approved a payment of Rs320 billion to public sector power plants and K-electric through supplement­ary grants and has decided to phase out the Export Finance Scheme of the State Bank of Pakistan, as per the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) condition.

The ECC, chaired by caretaker Finance Minister Dr Shamshad Akhtar, met on Wednesday and discussed various issues related to the power sector, wheat procuremen­t, and Pakistan Steel

Mills (PSM).

The ECC approved a summary of the Power Division for settlement of Rs262.075bn payables to government­owned power plants (GPPS), which were outstandin­g as of Nov 11, 2020.

The ECC was informed that Rs182.465bn had already been released to GPPS in FY23, out of the total Rs444.5bn liabilitie­s that were sought in March 2022.

The ECC also approved another summary of the Power Division for the release of Rs57bn advanced subsidy for payment of K-electric arrears and a technical supplement­ary grant to meet the operationa­l requiremen­ts of the power sector.

The ECC agreed to initiate the phase-out of the Export Finance Scheme of the State Bank of Pakistan, which was a requiremen­t of the $3bn Stand-by Arrangemen­t with IMF.

To operationa­lise this requiremen­t, the ECC approved the release of

Rs3.87bn to Exim Bank for the current fiscal year.

The ECC also reviewed a report on its decisions regarding PSM’S liabilitie­s towards the government and expressed its dissatisfa­ction with the PSM board for mismanagin­g the mill’s assets, including its land.

The finance minister directed the Ministry of Industries to conduct a diagnostic survey to determine the reasons for PSM’S persistent liabilitie­s and the allocation of its land to housing companies and other industries without due process. The ECC recommende­d that the Industries Division take further action on this issue.

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