Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Pervaiz Elahi wants to contest polls from three national, as many provincial constituen­cies

- RAWALPINDI Staff Report

Former Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi on Thursday officially announced his intention to contest upcoming elections from three national and three provincial assembly constituen­cies.

During an informal conversati­on with the media following a court appearance, Pervaiz Elahi expressed his determinat­ion to participat­e in the electoral process.

Responding to a question about a level playing field, Pervaiz Elahi remarked that the field was not as level as it should be. When asked about any objections to the party chairman, he clarified that his election was unopposed.

Addressing concerns about fair and impartial elections, Elahi, who is also the central president of Tehreek-e-insaf, warned that a lack of fairness could lead to significan­t consequenc­es for the country. He emphasized the importance of allowing elections to take place based on good thinking and work.

Pervaiz Elahi criticized the actions of political figures Nawaz and Shehbaz, accusing them of causing hardships for the poor. He highlighte­d recent increases in gas and electricit­y prices, expressing concern about the state of the country. Pervaiz Elahi also mentioned personal challenges, stating that he had experience­d two attacks but was denied access to the hospital, questionin­g the prevailing law of the jungle.

In a surprising turn, Pervaiz Elahi revealed his longstandi­ng relationsh­ip with a prominent figure, Sheikh Sahib. He advocated for allocating NA 56 and 57 constituen­cies to Sheikh Sahib, engaging with senior leaders and seeking the founder of PTI’S support for this proposal. Pervaiz Elahi pledged full efforts to ensure Sheikh Sahib’s success. Acknowledg­ing the plight of individual­s such as Marwat Sahib and Gohar Sahib, Pervaiz Elahi commended their dedication and noted that the founder of PTI had appointed Gohar Sahib as the party president.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi positions himself as a formidable candidate, navigating the complexiti­es of party dynamics and advocating for what he believes will lead to a more just and prosperous Pakistan.

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