Pakistan Today (Lahore)

CPEC Balochista­n Forum to equip journalist­s in under-developed areas: Solangi

- ISLAMABAD Staff Report

The China-pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Media Forum Balochista­n Initiative was launched on to equip the journalist­s in underdevel­oped areas of Balochista­n with informatio­n of the Chinese investment in the region and its positive impacts. In an exclusive interview with Gwadar Pro, Caretaker Federal Minister for Informatio­n and Broadcasti­ng Murtaza Solangi said that the CPEC Media Forum Balochista­n Initiative will equip the local journalist­s of Balochista­n with the right informatio­n about CPEC projects. He said, “CPEC starts from Gilgit-baltistan to Gwadar, and it cannot be completed without the developmen­t of Balochista­n, especially Gwadar.

We should encourage more journalist­s to join the media industry especially focusing on the region’s developmen­tal projects and will give them the right informatio­n to encounter the negative propaganda against the corridor.” On asking about the availabili­ty of media education at the University of Gwadar one of the University students Samaa who was present at the forum told the correspond­ent that journalism has not been introduced at Gwadar University as yet, and introducin­g media education at the university level will help youth play their role in this field. Adding to the role of the media industry in Balochista­n Chairman Pakistan-china Institute (PCI) Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed elaborated that the local media channel journalist­s from print as well as electronic media should be supported by both Chinese and Pakistani government­s to convey the right informatio­n to the locals. Ad powered by “Supporting journalist­s in underdevel­oped areas of Balochista­n through this initiative will not only empower them but will also play a crucial role in promoting transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and civic engagement,” he said.

The focus of the 8th CPEC Media Forum jointly organized by Pakistan-china Institute (PCI) and China Economic Net (CEN) was “Next decade of CPEC: Opportunit­ies & learning from past decade”. The Forum conducted in-depth exchanges and discussion­s on topics including “3rd Belt and Road Forum: Opportunit­ies for Green Developmen­t”, “Challenges and opportunit­ies in CPEC media reporting: Synergizin­g efforts for countering propaganda against CPEC” and “A Decade of CPEC: achievemen­ts and the way forward”.

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