Pakistan Today (Lahore)

PML-N also seeks extension in deadline for filing nomination­s


After MQM-P and JUI-F, the Pakistan Muslim Leaguenawa­z (PML-N) has sought a two-day extension in the December 22 deadline to file nomination papers for the upcoming general elections. As per the election schedule, nomination papers could be filed with respective returning officers by the candidates from December 20 to 22, while names of all nominated candidates would be published on December 23. According to guidelines issued by the electoral body, a candidate must be accompanie­d by two voters of the same constituen­cy who would propose and second his nomination. However, no individual can become a proposer or seconder for more than one candidate.

In a letter penned down to Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), Ishaq Dar – who is the chairman of the party’s election cell – noted that the election commission enjoys the power to make necessary “amendments in the schedule without affecting/changing the polling date”. The PML-N senator highlighte­d that a three-day deadline had been allocated for the filing of nomination papers while seven days had been given for the scrutiny of the same. “The process of filing nomination papers requires multiple details as well as documents to be annexed with the same which also includes NOCS/NECS from various public sector department. Such exercise is indeed time consuming and any lapse can lead to rejection of nomination papers,” Dar contended. “It is therefore requested that in order to facilitate thousands of candidates desirous to take part in elections, it would be appreciate­d if only two days’ extension is granted in filing of nomination paper by amending the schedule issued on December 15 without changing the polling day,” he concluded.

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