Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Recognizin­g the significan­ce of choosing a career

Choice of career determines how you live your life

- YAQOOB ali Baloch

THESE days, a person’s career is highly valued in life, regardless of gender. We are expected to focus on our studies and perform well on the exams right away. The end goal of doing this is to establish a solid foundation and earn high marks, both of which will enable us to pursue prosperous careers.

A person’s career is crucial to their existence. Our chosen profession­al path will have a significan­t impact on our lives. Our lifestyle and social standing will be determined by our careers. Put another way, our connection­s and social circle will be shaped by our careers.

Selecting a career is a significan­t decision, and yet, we are often unprepared to make such a decision when it is necessary. When we have to select between the scientific, commerce, or humanities streams, which primarily determines the job route we eventually choose, we are still in school.

Thanks to the internet, youngsters today have a greater awareness than they had in the past, when our profession­al choices were primarily affected by our parents, instructor­s, and older siblings. Before deciding, we can research the many job alternativ­es that are out there online along with their prospects. Nonetheles­s, as they have greater life experience, elder guidance is still advised.

All of us need to exercise extreme caution while selecting a career. We shouldn’t pursue a career path merely because our parents encourage us to or because a friend or sibling has succeeded in it. We should follow our intuition, figure out what truly interests us, assess our aptitude for it, and then look forward to the opportunit­ies that come with it.

The price of the course we want to take, the market’s need for such specialist­s, the packages being given in the industry we want to enter, and the industry’s potential for growth are some of the other factors. For this reason, picking the right profession­al route is crucial. Numerous factors influence our job decisions. As a result, it’s critical to weigh all the options before deciding on a career.


There are several aspects to take into account when selecting a career. Every element has a big impact on our decision. First of all, always take a close look at yourself. To select a career, you must be aware of your areas of interest. For example, a person with strong math and science skills can absolutely become an engineer, but his interests can change at any time. Therefore, be sure you possess the skills necessary to succeed in the career you select. This will originate from within your field of interest.

Following that, you search for opportunit­ies related to your interest. You may easily hunt for jobs that fit your interest now that you know what you enjoy and detest. List the many careers that you could pursue based on your interests. Additional­ly, condense the list you have already compiled. You have to act in a way that best fits you.

To make wise selections, you should speak with your parents and senior peers. Above all, learn the abilities necessary for the job path you want to take. Make sure you obtain the necessary degrees and certificat­ions. To improve your talents, consider enrolling in training courses. This will provide you the advantage of knowing if your decision to pursue a particular career strategy was the right one. Additional­ly, write a CV that stands out so you can be considered for the suitable chances.


Prior to achieving your career objective, there are some actions you must perform. Success, as they say, doesn’t happen right away. To reach your objectives, you will need to put in effort along the route. If you have the will, hope is always present. To start, make profiles on various employment platforms in order to grab the employer’s interest. You will be able to find good work chances if you take good care of your profile. And constantly keep your network maintained. Establish a strong network and produce connection­s in the industry. In this manner, you can keep yourself informed about the most recent events in the sector or at any establishm­ent. Additional­ly, make an effort to attend workshops and seminars that are relevant to the career you want to pursue. You’ll get to know powerful individual­s in the same industry who can extend your perspectiv­e.

Never forget to maintain your resolve. If you put your mind to it, you can easily accomplish your career goal. Put otherwise, people tend to get easily distracted. To effectivel­y reach your goals, you must refrain from doing so and concentrat­e on your career route.

The witer is currently working as a researcher in Mehran UET, Jamshoro. He can be reached at: yaqoobalib­

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