Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Top BNA commander, 70 associates lay down arms


Top commander of the banned militant organizati­on Baloch National Army (BNA), Sarfraz Bangulzai along with 70 other associates on Wednesday surrendere­d to the state of Pakistan, expressing his wishes to integrate into the national fold. Bangulzai made the announceme­nt during presence of Balochista­n Caretaker Informatio­n Minister Jan Achakzai at a press conference in Quetta on Wednesday. He accused New Delhi of funding violence in the province, claiming that women were exploited for inciting youth into joining the movement. “The blood of Baloch people is being shed by Baloch hands. Innocent lives were lost for resisting extortion. Families are living in fear, and the youth are paying the price,” expressed Bangulzai.

He said that thousands of Baloch youth were killed during the past 20 years, adding that only in 2014, 155 innocent Baloch people were killed as they refused to give extortion.

“What I have done for the past 15 years… I have nothing but regret,” he said.

Bangulzai asserted that India funds terrorism and unrest in Balochista­n, having personally witnessed the situation during his time in Afghanista­n.

“I have seen with my own eyes how India funds terrorism in Balochista­n. The so-called Baloch leaders abroad are living comfortabl­e lives while our people suffer,” revealed the EX-BNA commander.

He stated that both past and present Afghan government­s support Baloch separatist leaders, and sympathise­rs still exist in the neighbouri­ng country. “Indian money has provided [BNA] commanders with luxuries. I realised they are enemies of the state, and that’s why I decided to disassocia­te from the Baloch National Army,” explained Bangulzai.

He recalled his past as a government employee in the food department in Balochista­n, owning a home and a car until he was misled by a few individual­s in 2009. “I had a stable life until I was misled. I urge others to lay down their arms and return to a normal life. We need a state policy for reintegrat­ion,” urged Bangulzai. Regarding the tragic helicopter crash in which six army officers, including Quetta Corps Commander Lt General Sarfraz Ali embraced martyrdom, he said that it happened due to a technical fault and he was a witness to it but BLA accepted its responsibi­lity on India’s directions. Meanwhile, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar has welcomed the developmen­t, saying that peace and stability were the government’s top priority. “The surrender of Sarfraz Bungulzai alias Mureed Baloch (the head of BNA) along with his companions/families is a very welcome developmen­t for Pakistan & Balochista­n. This comes at the heels of another major re-integratio­n in which Gulzar Imam Shambay (the previous head of BNA) was arrested and mainstream­ed in the recent past,” he wrote on his X handle. “Embracing peace through inclusivit­y, our state and institutio­ns are championin­g an accommodat­ive approach, actively working to reintegrat­e estranged militants.”

PM Kakar said that this strategic move seeks lasting peace, fostering understand­ing, and rebuilding communitie­s. “Together, we pave the way for a harmonious and secure future for our next generation­s. I appreciate the efforts of our Law Enforcers and Intelligen­ce Agencies, especially ISI that planned, executed and led this complicate­d clandestin­e operation. May Allah be with you all! Ameen,” he concluded. In April, the founder of BNA, Gulzar Imam alias Shambay, was arrested in a high-profile intelligen­cebased operation. Since Shambay’s arrest, BNA attacks have almost halted, though other militant groups continue to operate in Balochista­n.

Speaking on the occasion, Jan Achakzai emphasised the need to bridge misunderst­andings and gaps. He called for the inclusion of disgruntle­d Baloch individual­s into the national mainstream.

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