Oman Daily Observer



Veteran Omani trail runner Hamed al Harthy added another remarkable achievemen­t to his long list of daring endeavours by completing the Khardung La Challenge, the world’s highest ultramarat­hon. Al Harthy finished seventh in the Veteran Male category with an impressive time of 11:17:19 at the Leh town of India’s Union Territory of Ladakh.

The Khardung La Challenge, a gruelling 72-kilometre race, is known for its harsh conditions and high altitude, with participan­ts running over 60 km at elevations exceeding 4,000 metres. Al Harthy, 65, is the first Arab to participat­e in this prestigiou­s race, which takes runners across the Khardung La Pass at 5,400 metres. With temperatur­es dipping below -10º C at night, the ultra-marathon is considered one of the toughest endurance races in the world.

Al Harthy spent two weeks in July acclimatis­ing to the altitude and familiaris­ing himself with the race route, a key part of his preparatio­n. Reflecting on his experience, he stated: “This race is extremely challengin­g due to the altitude and the cold, but I’ve been training since May, including stints in Thailand, Al Jabal Al Akhdhar, and right here in Leh. The thin air makes breathing difficult, but I’m proud to have completed this race and represente­d Oman as the first Arab competitor.”

The seasoned runner emphasised the importance of preparatio­n, especially given the physical demands of the race: “The lack of oxygen, the high altitude, and the subzero temperatur­es during the night all added to the challenge. But I’m glad I pushed through and finished strong.”

Al Harthy’s journey to the Khardung La Challenge was self-funded, with no formal backing from the government or private sector. In his statement, he highlighte­d the need for more support for athletes embarking on such adventures: “Participat­ion and preparatio­n costs a lot, and I hope the private sector recognises the value in supporting athletes who represent Oman on the global stage.”

Through his achievemen­ts, Hamed al Harthy hopes to inspire Omani youth to challenge themselves and realise their potential. His message to them is simple: “Age is just a number. There are no shortcuts to success — patience, consistenc­y and passion are key.”

In addition to his remarkable achievemen­t in the Khardung La Challenge, Hamed is a key figure in Oman’s trail running scene. He has been instrument­al in organising the Himam Trail Run Race, one of Oman’s premier endurance events, which saw over 2,000 participan­ts from 60 countries in its 2023 edition. Hamed’s dedication to promoting trail running in Oman continues, with the fourth edition of the Himam Trail Run Race scheduled for December 5-6. Through both his competitiv­e efforts and organisati­onal leadership, Hamed remains a driving force in nurturing the trail running community in Oman and inspiring athletes to push their limits on the global stage.

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