Oman Daily Observer

Prophet’s Birthday Anniversar­y: Celebratio­n of loyalty and love


The Prophet’s Birthday Anniversar­y is one of the most important religious events and holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims in the Sultanate of Oman.

The Sultanate of Oman is distinguis­hed by its long-standing traditions in celebratin­g the day as religious events are held in mosques and Islamic centres, and include the recitation of the Holy Quran, the chanting of prophetic poems, and the delivery of religious lectures that highlight the biography of the Messenger and his noble morals. At the same time, this occasion is an opportunit­y to emphasise the importance of national unity and societal cohesion.

Shaikh Salim bin Nasser, a muezzin at a mosque in the Wilayat of Jaalan Bani Bu Hassan, explains, “Celebratin­g the Prophet’s birthday in Oman is not just a religious occasion, but rather part of the cultural and religious identity of the Omani people. Through this occasion, we celebrate the life of the Holy Prophet and draw inspiratio­n from it for values that maintain the stability and cohesion of society.

This day represents an opportunit­y to strengthen family and community ties, and remind people of the noble message brought by Islam.” Celebratin­g the Prophet’s birthday in the Sultanate of Oman reflects the deep relationsh­ip that Omanis have with their religion and for the love of Prophet Muhammad. “In Oman, the Prophet’s birthday is celebrated as an opportunit­y to remember the human values brought by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,” said religious expert Maryam al Balushi. “This celebratio­n is not just a religious ritual, but an occasion to pass on these values to new generation­s and teach them the importance of adhering to them daily. The celebratio­n also enhances the spirit of solidarity and cohesion among members of society, and emphasises the importance of national unity in light of the challenges facing the world today.” The Prophet’s birthday is an opportunit­y to highlight the importance of cohesion between the leadership and the people and to enhance national unity. On this occasion, official and popular celebratio­ns are held that bring together different segments of society, enhancing the spirit of belonging and national identity.

The Omani government is keen to support and revive this occasion by organising religious and cultural events on a large scale. Religious evenings are organised in various governorat­es, where people gather in mosques and councils to recite the Holy Quran and listen to the Hadiths of the Prophet. Local media also cover these events and highlight their importance.

The celebratio­n remains a symbol of loyalty and love for the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and an occasion to renew the pledge to the Islamic values that are the basis of the lives of Omanis.

Through this celebratio­n, Omanis renew their connection to their history and religious identity and emphasise the importance of solidarity and unity in building a stable and cohesive society.

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