Oman Daily Observer

Governance of interactio­ns with pharmaceut­ical factories addressed


MUSCAT: The Healthcare Management and Organisati­on Committee on Thursday held its second meeting under under the chairmansh­ip of Dr Hilal bin Ali al Sabti, Minister of Health.

The committee addressed the governance of interactio­ns with pharmaceut­ical factories and health product suppliers with the purpose of regulating the distributi­on of unauthoris­ed medication­s within the Sultanate of Oman to ensure the protection of public health.

Additional­ly, the committee reviewed modern medication­s, emphasisin­g their quality and prioritisi­ng Omani national factories and institutio­ns.

The Director General of Private Health Establishm­ents gave during the meeting a presentati­on on the regulation­s for permitting government health profession­als to work in private health institutio­ns, according to updated guidelines.

The Director of the Treatment Abroad Department presented an overview of the current challenges and discussed possible solutions related to treatment abroad.

Furthermor­e, the Healthcare Management and Organisati­on Committee recommende­d the governance of certain practices and the issuance of ministeria­l decisions to regulate the handling of blood samples sent abroad, ensuring that these samples are sent to medical laboratori­es accredited by the Sultanate of Oman.

The committee is responsibl­e for developing strategies, programmes, and national policies for integratin­g civil and military health units in the Sultanate of Oman, organising and coordinati­ng the smooth and seamless transfer of human resources between these units.

 ?? ?? The committee reviewed modern medication­s, emphasisin­g their quality and prioritisi­ng Omani national factories and institutio­ns. — ONA
The committee reviewed modern medication­s, emphasisin­g their quality and prioritisi­ng Omani national factories and institutio­ns. — ONA

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