Oman Daily Observer

Oman ranked 21st in the world for investment


NEW YORK: The Sultanate of Oman is ranked 21st globally in the list of best countries for investment and doing business for the year 2024, according to a report issued by the American Ceoworld magazine.

#$. 1 ) ' ..$ơ /$*) - ƣ /./# /$- ' .. ƥ*-/.( 4 the Sultanate of Oman to improve the business environmen­t and enhance its attractive­ness to foreign direct investment.

The report indicated that the Sultanate of Oman enjoys an economic stability score of 92.12 points, in addition to positive assessment­s of its government policies and skilled workforce.

These factors, along with the ' ..$ơ /$*) *! $/. $)./$/0/$*) ' framework, which reached 92.34 +*$)/.Ǡ *)ơ-( $/. //- /$1 ) .. /* foreign investment and entreprene­urship.

#$. 1 ) ' ..$ơ /$*) comes as a culminatio­n of the Sul/ ) / *! ( )ǭ. ƥ*-/. /* $(+' ment Oman Vision 2040, which aims to diversify the national economy and reduce dependence on oil revenues.

It also highlights the role of the Invest in Oman Lounge, the leading *Ʀ $ '$)/ -! !*-( %*-$)1 ./ments in the Sultanate of Oman, in simplifyin­g the investor journey and providing comprehens­ive ser vices.

The remarkable developmen­t in the infrastruc­ture in the Sultanate of Oman, including free zones and special economic zones, which has enhanced its ability to attract foreign direct investment, and the focus on digital transforma­tion and promoting technology-driven businesses has contribute­d to ./- )"/# )$)" ( )ǭ. +*.$/$*) . leading investment destinatio­n.

As the Sultanate of Oman continues to improve its business environmen­t and provide innovative investment solutions, economists expect the Sultanate of Oman to maintain its attractive­ness to internatio­nal investors and continue to advance in global rankings in the coming years.

 ?? ?? Omanaimsto­diversifyt­henational­economyand­reducedepe­ndenceonoi­lrevenues.

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