Oman Daily Observer

Internatio­nal film festival spotlights Dhofar as a rising cultural hub


The first-ever Dhofar Internatio­nal Film Festival was held last week at the Sultan Qaboos Youth Complex for Culture and Entertainm­ent, under the auspices of HH Sayyid Marwan bin Turki al Said, Governor of Dhofar. The event featured a visual presentati­on highlighti­ng Dhofar Governorat­e’s unique attributes and displaying films from 18 countries in narrative and documentar­y categories.

The festival drew film-makers, artists and cinema enthusiast­s worldwide, spotlighti­ng Dhofar as a rising cultural hub.

The opening ceremony featured a captivatin­g visual presentati­on showcasing the rich cultural and natural beauty of Dhofar Governorat­e, followed by highlights from the films participat­ing in the festival. These included both narrative and documentar­y films from 18 different countries, each offering a unique perspectiv­e on storytelli­ng.

Festival Director, Dr Rashid bin Abdullah al Yafei, highlighte­d in his speech the Oman Film Society’s vision of creating a vibrant cultural and creative exchange space.

He emphasised that the festival aims not only to promote Dhofar’s historical and touristic diversity, but also to foster growth in Oman’s budding film industry.

Workshops and film screenings will provide opportunit­ies for aspiring filmmakers to hone their skills in scripting, acting, directing and cinematogr­aphy.

Out of nearly 200 films submitted, 41 were shortliste­d for the festival’s competitio­ns.

The 22 narrative films and 19 documentar­ies will be judged by a jury of cinema experts, artists and specialist­s in film production from Oman and abroad.

Chairman of the Oman Film Society, Mohammed bin Abdullah al Ajmi, underscore­d the potential of cinema as a tool for promoting tourism, noting how films can significan­tly enhance a country’s global image. He pointed out that one impactful film can achieve what years of marketing efforts might struggle to do in showcasing the beauty and heritage of a nation like Oman.

The festival’s atmosphere was further enriched by artistic performanc­es, and the evening concluded with the honouring of judges, film-makers and key sponsors, setting the stage for the next few days of cinematic celebratio­n in Salalah.

The festival is set to run for several days, offering workshops, screenings and opportunit­ies for film-makers to exchange ideas, paving the way for future collaborat­ions and the growth of Oman’s budding film industry.

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 ?? ?? The festival aims not only to promote Dhofar’s touristic diversity, but also to foster growth in Oman’s budding film industry
The festival aims not only to promote Dhofar’s touristic diversity, but also to foster growth in Oman’s budding film industry

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