Oman Daily Observer

Oman ranks 21st among world’s top investment countries


NEW YORK: The Sultanate of Oman has occupied the 21st place globally in the list of 2024 “best countries for investment and doing business”, according to a report issued by CEOWORLD magazine headquarte­red in New York.

The ranking reflects Oman’s consistent efforts to improve its business environmen­t and enhance its attractive­ness to foreign direct investment­s (FDI).

The report states that Oman garnered an economic stability score of 92.12 points, in addition to positive assessment­s of government policies and skilled workforce. These factors emerge as an added asset to the country’s institutio­nal framework rating of 92.34 points, which, the magazine said, affirm Oman’s attractive­ness to foreign investment and entreprene­urship.

This advanced rating caps up Oman’s efforts to implement

Oman Vision 2040, which seeks to diversify the national economy and diminish dependence on oil revenues.

The report also highlights the role of the “Invest Oman” lounge (the leading official interface for major investment­s in the Sultanate of Oman) in streamlini­ng investor experience that benefits from comprehens­ive business services.

It is noted that the remarkable developmen­t in infrastruc­ture, including free zones and special economic zones, boosted Oman’s ability to attract foreign direct investment. This is further enhanced by the country’s focus on digital transition and technology-driven business climate, said the magazine, noting that all those factors greatly contribute­d to the consolidat­ion of Oman’s position as a leading investment destinatio­n.

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