Oman Daily Observer



Breakfast is often overlooked, particular­ly by children who face long school days. However, it remains one of the most crucial meals, supplying the energy needed to start the day with vitality and focus. For students, this energy is essential for academic success, as breakfast lays the foundation for a healthy, productive day.

Numerous studies reveal that consuming breakfast can significan­tly enhance students’ academic performanc­e. A balanced breakfast rich in carbohydra­tes, proteins, and healthy fats improves brain function, increasing focus and attention during classes.

Dr Abdullah al Muqimi, a therapeuti­c nutrition specialist, highlighte­d this in a statement to the Observer, noting that “breakfast serves as fuel for the body and mind, helping to regulate blood sugar levels, which in turn boosts learning and memory.” Children who consistent­ly eat breakfast display higher levels of activity and engagement in the classroom compared to their peers who skip the meal. This leads to faster informatio­n retention and improved classroom participat­ion.

Beyond academic benefits, regular breakfast consumptio­n positively impacts overall health. Children who start their day with a nutritious meal are less prone to obesity and digestive issues. Breakfast helps stimulate metabolism and maintains balanced energy throughout the day.

Paediatric consultant Dr Laila al Dahmashi warns that “skipping breakfast can lead to long-term health complicati­ons, such as increased risks of obesity and type 2 diabetes.” She also noted that children who skip breakfast are more likely to snack on unhealthy foods later, heightenin­g their risk of nutritiona­l deficienci­es.

Experts agree that the ideal breakfast should include complex carbohydra­tes from whole grains, which provide sustained energy, along with proteins like eggs and dairy to promote satiety and support growth. Adding fruits and vegetables ensures the meal is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Parents are encouraged to provide a diverse breakfast, such as whole wheat toast with a boiled egg and a piece of fruit like an apple or orange.

Despite its numerous benefits, many children skip breakfast due to time constraint­s or a lack of understand­ing of its importance. This is where both families and schools must step in. Parents can model healthy eating habits by having breakfast with their children, while schools can promote the importance of breakfast through awareness programmes and by offering healthy snacks to students. Schools also play a pivotal role in reinforcin­g these habits by implementi­ng educationa­l programmes on nutrition and offering balanced breakfast options.

Working families may struggle with busy mornings, but solutions exist. Preparing quick and healthy meals, like oatmeal with fruit the night before or simple sandwiches with proteins and vegetables, can save time. Involving children in the preparatio­n process encourages them to eat breakfast and teaches valuable life skills.

Breakfast serves as a key foundation for both students’ health and academic performanc­e. By fostering cooperatio­n between families and schools, the habit of eating breakfast can be firmly establishe­d, ensuring students begin their day energised and ready to succeed. Breakfast is more than just a meal—it is essential for thriving in school and life.


ENERGY: After spending a solid 6-8 hours sleeping, and therefore fasting, your body wakes up ready to receive recharging fuel that will empower it throughout the entire day.

IMPROVED CONCENTRAT­ION: Eating good-quality foods during breakfast time can significan­tly improve concentrat­ion skills, hence better grades.

HEALTHY WEIGHT: People who skip breakfast tend to have a larger weight than those who do not. In other words, breakfast eaters tend to make smarter and portion-controlled food choices throughout the day, as opposed to those who skip it.

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