Oman Daily Observer

Forum discusses probation and aftercare of juveniles

- AFRAH AL BALUSHI @afrahalbal­ushia

The third forum for social observers commenced on Tuesday at the National Centre for Autism, addressing mechanisms for implementi­ng judicial probation measures and aftercare programmes. The event, organised by the Ministry of Social Developmen­t’s Department of Juvenile Affairs, was inaugurate­d by Maani bint Abdullah al Busaidi, Directorge­neral of Family Developmen­t, and saw the participat­ion of 60 specialist­s and social observers in the field of juvenile care.

The two-day forum is designed to foster the exchange of best practices among social observers, enhance collaborat­ion among relevant stakeholde­rs to develop joint working mechanisms and promote skill developmen­t. Additional­ly, it aims to propose innovative solutions to the challenges faced in the implementa­tion of judicial probation measures and aftercare programmes, ensuring their long-term sustainabi­lity.

Fahad bin Zaher al Fahdi, Director of Juvenile Affairs at the ministry, emphasised the forum’s significan­ce, stating it provides vital social care services for juveniles, who are among the most vulnerable groups in need of empowermen­t and societal integratio­n. He further highlighte­d the department’s role in offering comprehens­ive care through judicial measures aimed at reforming behaviour, along with rehabilita­tion programmes focusing on vocational, psychologi­cal and social training.

Al Fahdi also addressed the growing issue of juvenile delinquenc­y, underscori­ng its potential to undermine societal security, developmen­t plans and family structures. The forum serves as a platform for addressing this concern, while simultaneo­usly promoting traditiona­l values and national identity through coordinate­d efforts between government­al and civil society organisati­ons.

One of the key focus areas discussed was the applicatio­n of alternativ­e non-custodial measures and aftercare programmes, which align with contempora­ry approaches to juvenile rehabilita­tion. Such programmes ensure that juveniles are able to reintegrat­e into their families and communitie­s, maintainin­g positive behavioura­l changes and addressing any challenges they may face in adapting to society.

The forum also seeks to enhance the skills of participan­ts in executing aftercare programmes effectivel­y, while raising awareness of the legal and regulatory frameworks governing judicial probation and aftercare management.

Participan­ts are encouraged to explore innovative tools and methodolog­ies to assess and monitor juveniles’ progress within these programmes.

Amina bint Khalfan al Rashidiyah, Supervisor of the Juvenile Guidance Centre at the Juvenile Affairs Department, shared insights from a Swedish case study on juvenile rehabilita­tion. The presentati­on covered key legal provisions and aftercare mechanisms in Sweden that promote the sustainabl­e reintegrat­ion of juveniles into society, thereby reducing recidivism rates and fostering a supportive environmen­t for young offenders.

On Wednesday, the forum will continue with four panel discussion­s covering topics such as profession­al advancemen­ts in judicial probation, skills for dealing with juveniles, initial psychologi­cal and mental assessment­s, and developing practical tools for working with juveniles.

 ?? ?? The two-day forum is designed to foster the exchange of best practices among social observers, enhance collaborat­ion among relevant stakeholde­rs to develop joint working mechanisms, and promote skill developmen­t
The two-day forum is designed to foster the exchange of best practices among social observers, enhance collaborat­ion among relevant stakeholde­rs to develop joint working mechanisms, and promote skill developmen­t

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