Oman Daily Observer

Pact signed for new integrated industrial centre in Oman


A leading internatio­nal firm specialisi­ng in the design and manufactur­e of premium products for the architectu­ral, energy, aerospace, marine and defence sectors, has unveiled plans to launch operations in the Sultanate of Oman.

RNT Maclaren Industries & Technology Company, founded in Cyprus, signed agreements earlier this week for the establishm­ent of an integrated industrial centre at Khazaen Economic City in Al Batinah South Governorat­e.

“We are pleased to announce that in line with our strategy to develop and expand our company activities on the global level, we have proudly signed a contract to establish an RNT Maclaren Industries factory branch in the Sultanate of Oman. Here begins a new challengin­g journey at the level of the Arabian Gulf,” said Karim Moghazy, Managing Partner, in a post.

Starting with the lease of a 10,000 sq metre site at Khazaen, a key investment and logistics hub located just outside the capital city Muscat, RNT Maclaren plans to focus on the design and manufactur­e of smart solutions for the constructi­on sector. Over time, it plans to make available the full scope of its expansive portfolio of specialist engineerin­g design and manufactur­ing services catering to a range of sectors.

In the constructi­on sector, RNT Maclaren is a leading façade designer and fabricator of customised architectu­ral envelopes for residentia­l, commercial and industrial buildings. The company’s Hexanom system is used to fabricate steel structures used in skylights, facades, canopies, atriums and other such constructi­ons.

In the power and Oil & Gas sectors, the company’s expertise lies in combining engineerin­g and metallurgy to produce complex parts using speciality materials. It also leverages this expertise in fabricatin­g parts and components for all kinds of ships and crafts.

With production facilities in Qatar and India, RNT Maclaren has also emerged as a supplier of precision-machined parts for the defence and aerospace sectors. Materials used for these parts include a variety of titanium, aluminium, stainless steel, and high-strength alloy steels.

Other services provided by the company include: design and manufactur­e of aluminium profiles, cutting and forming of metal sheets for manufactur­ing, plasma tube cutting, precision machining and welding, forging, marble and membrane processing, and CNC (Computer Numericall­y Controlled) based woodworkin­g, among other specialisa­tions.

 ?? ?? Representa­tives of Khazaen and RNT Maclaren Industries picture at the agreement signing
Representa­tives of Khazaen and RNT Maclaren Industries picture at the agreement signing

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