Oman Daily Observer

Turkey’s FM attends first EU meeting

- — Reuters

Turkey’s foreign minister hopes to make progress on improving Ankara’s rocky ties with the European Union on Thursday as he attends a meeting of EU ministers in Brussels for the first time in five years, a source from his ministry said.

Turkey’s two-decades-old bid to join the bloc has been frozen due to EU concerns over its human rights record alongside policy disputes in the eastern Mediterran­ean and over Cyprus.

At the same time, the bloc depends on Nato member Turkey’s help, particular­ly on migration issues.

Tensions in 2019 between Eumember Greece and Turkey led to Brussels threatenin­g sanctions against Ankara and cutting off some dialogue channels. Ties have improved since 2021, with high-level talks restarting.

Ankara saw the EU’S invitation to Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan as an effort to seek dialogue, the foreign ministry source said. Deeper ties “with the understand­ing that Turkey is a candidate country” would benefit both sides, the source added.

Fidan will convey Turkey’s expectatio­n that the “necessary will must be shown and concrete steps must be taken” to strengthen ties, the source said.

The meeting will include discussion­s on visas and modernisin­g the Eu-turkey Customs Union, the source added. Ankara has been calling for these talks to start for months, but little progress had been made.

Fidan will meet EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and enlargemen­t commission­er Oliver Varhely, the source said, adding that Fidan would reiterate Turkey’s position on Cyprus.

Ankara and its breakaway Turkish Cypriot allies on the island seek a two-state solution to the decades-old problem, but the EU, Greece and the internatio­nally-recognised Greek Cypriot administra­tion, an EU member, dismiss that proposal.

Ahead of the meetings, Cyprus Foreign Minister Constantin­os Kombos said he looked forward to “frank and open” talks with Ankara on contentiou­s issues and ways to move forward.

Greece’s Foreign Minister George Gerapetrit­is told Fidan in Brussels of the need to restart dialogue within the framework of UNSC resolution­s, making use of the opportunit­y created by improving Turkish-greek ties, a Greek foreign ministry official said.

 ?? ?? Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan during a news conference in Istanbul.
Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan during a news conference in Istanbul.

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