Oman Daily Observer

Oman unveils key targets for digital transforma­tion


The Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology has outlined an ambitious agenda for advancing digital transforma­tion in 2024 in its recently released annual report.

The ministry’s strategic targets include a series of critical initiative­s aimed at enhancing government digital services and infrastruc­ture. Key among the ministry’s goals is the completion of the first phase of the Government Electronic Integratio­n Accelerati­on Project. This initiative, which will be executed according to a detailed plan, aims to streamline digital processes across targeted government institutio­ns.

Additional­ly, the ministry plans to introduce the Readiness and Digital Services Maturity Measuremen­t System, designed to assess and enhance the digital capabiliti­es of government entities. The launch of the National Open Data Platform, which will enter its first phase, is another significan­t milestone, aimed at increasing transparen­cy and accessibil­ity of data.

The report also highlights the issuance of several guidelines, including the Digital Participat­ion Guideline and the

Digital User Experience Design Guideline, which will provide a framework for improving digital engagement and user experience across government services.

Further, the ministry will host the second edition of the Oman Digital Transforma­tion Forum, continuing its efforts to foster dialogue and collaborat­ion on digital innovation. The Digital Empowermen­t Programme for National Talents will also see its first phase awarded and implemente­d, focusing on empowering local talent within the government sector.

In terms of procedural improvemen­ts, the ministry will complete the third and fourth phases of Manjam Labs, an initiative aimed at simplifyin­g government procedures. The launch of the National

Unified Portal for Electronic Services and the National Data Governance Framework are also on the agenda, aimed at creating a cohesive and efficient digital service environmen­t.

As highlighte­d recently in the Observer, electronic certificat­ion systems processed 903,897 transactio­ns utilising electronic signatures in the second half of 2023 alone. This represents a 12-per cent increase compared to the 806,500 transactio­ns recorded in the second half of 2022. Additional­ly, the adoption of digital IDS has gained momentum, with 12,924,684 digital transactio­ns completed using digital identifica­tion methods during the same period, marking a 25-per cent rise from the 10,331,000 transactio­ns in the latter half of 2022.

These strategic initiative­s reflect the ministry’s commitment to driving significan­t advancemen­ts in the digital landscape, positionin­g the government to better serve its citizens and embrace the future of digital innovation.

 ?? ?? The ministry’s strategic targets include a series of critical initiative­s aimed at enhancing government digital services and infrastruc­ture.
The ministry’s strategic targets include a series of critical initiative­s aimed at enhancing government digital services and infrastruc­ture.

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