Oman Daily Observer

Rethinking emissions targets in developing countries

- ELISA BELFIORI The writer is a professor and Director of Undergradu­ate Studies at the School of Business at Universida­d Torcuato Di Tella

DESPITE committing to nationally determined contributi­ons (NDCS) in the 2015 Paris climate agreement to limit global warming, countries have struggled to meet their emissionsr­eduction targets. This is particular­ly true for developing countries, where pressing economic and political challenges tend to overshadow longterm climate objectives.

Implementi­ng effective climate policy requires a shift in thinking. Climate change is both a negative externalit­y and an inequality problem, raising the question of who should bear the costs of climate action within and between countries. Policymake­rs should focus more on the complicate­d tradeoff between economic efficiency and equity to ensure that developing countries do not shoulder the burden of the rich world’s historical carbon dioxide emissions, and that measures are in place to safeguard future generation­s.

Of course, the Paris agreement set clear goals while adhering to the principle of “common but differenti­ated responsibi­lities,” which means that all countries are responsibl­e for addressing climate change, but not equally so. But there is still a tendency to focus on uniform targets. Consider the global push for net-zero greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 — a compliment­ary long-term goal outlined in the Paris agreement, and one with respect to which many developing countries remain far off track.

To achieve this ambitious goal, countries must be able to devise climate policy based on their capabiliti­es and historical responsibi­lities, rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all strategy. Recent research suggests that this would require netnegativ­e emissions targets for high-income countries, while allowing low-income countries to generate net-positive emissions. Of course, such differenti­ation is not a free pass: developing countries would still have to reduce GHG emissions. But this approach, embodying the spirit of “common but differenti­ated responsibi­lities,” better reflects their economic conditions and developmen­t needs.

Moreover, financial assistance from developed to developing countries to support climate action has been ineffectiv­e, owing mainly to transparen­cy and accountabi­lity problems. In this context, the same study finds that carbon sequestrat­ion and capture, whether through technologi­cal innovation­s or natural solutions, could be a politicall­y feasible alternativ­e to direct monetary transfers. Enabling each country to monitor its own efforts to absorb carbon could bring the world closer to net-zero emissions while respecting diverse national circumstan­ces.

Emissions in Latin America, for example, are split almost equally between energy, agricultur­e and livestock, and land use, whereas they are largely energy-related in the United States and Europe. Promoting sustainabl­e agricultur­al and livestock practices — as opposed to focusing solely on decarbonis­ing the energy system — could therefore help reduce emissions in the region, as wellmanage­d pastures and soil can increase carbon sequestrat­ion. This approach would also align private incentives with social returns by revaluing land and allowing farmers to remain internatio­nally competitiv­e.

The case of Argentina illustrate­s how improving the sustainabi­lity of agricultur­e and livestock could play a pivotal role in the transition to a green global economy. A series of economic crises, coupled with increasing political volatility, have led the Argentinia­n government to focus more on immediate problems than climate policy. But given the country’s position as a leading food producer, revamping these industries could help it enhance climate mitigation and adaptation — and contribute meaningful­ly to internatio­nal goals — while recognisin­g its economic conditions and developmen­t needs.

This year, Argentina began certifying the production of carbon-neutral beef, a programme that could reduce emissions if implemente­d correctly. The country has already started to embrace sustainabl­e practices such as regenerati­ve livestock farming, which increases carbon sequestrat­ion, productivi­ty and profitabil­ity by restoring the soil’s natural fertility. Moreover, Argentina is among the countries with the highest rates of no-tillage farming. This practice, which also helps store carbon, was used on more than 90 per cent of its agricultur­al land in 2019-20.

Addressing domestic inequality is equally crucial in shaping effective climate policies in Argentina and other developing countries. Ongoing research demonstrat­es that convention­al approaches, including uniform carbon taxes, fail to account for nuanced socioecono­mic disparitie­s.

The writer is a consultant at the World Bank’s Human Capital Project, is a research assistant at Universida­d Torcuato Di Tella
YANEL LLOHIS The writer is a consultant at the World Bank’s Human Capital Project, is a research assistant at Universida­d Torcuato Di Tella
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 ?? ?? Promoting sustainabl­e agricultur­al and livestock practices could help reduce emissions.
Promoting sustainabl­e agricultur­al and livestock practices could help reduce emissions.

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