Oman Daily Observer

New travel apps enhance khareef visitors’ experience

- AFRAH AL BALUSHI @afrahalbal­ushia

There has been a notable surge in travel applicatio­ns during this Khareef Dhofar Season demonstrat­ing their effectiven­ess in enhancing the overall visitor experience.

Recent statistics highlight a substantia­l increase in the adoption of these digital tools, underscori­ng the success of ongoing digital transforma­tion initiative­s.

Once a complex and timeconsum­ing process, trip planning and hotel booking have now become as effortless as a few taps on a smartphone. These applicatio­ns streamline the entire travel experience, allowing tourists to easily manage their itinerarie­s, book accommodat­ions and organise activities, all from the comfort of their mobile devices.

The effectiven­ess of Dhofar’s tourism strategy can be attributed to integrated efforts and innovative marketing approaches. One of the key drivers of success during the Khareef Dhofar Season is the availabili­ty of comprehens­ive informatio­n about tourist sites and events on unified digital platforms.

The ‘Dhofar Seasons’ applicatio­n serves as a digital guide, offering detailed informatio­n on events, tourist sites, and enabling ticket bookings for various recreation­al activities. Complement­ing this is the “Absher” applicatio­n, which facilitate­s easy access to services provided by the Dhofar Municipali­ty.

To further enhance the tourism experience, the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, in collaborat­ion with Dhofar Municipali­ty, has launched the “Sikka” electronic platform. This platform aims to streamline the management of rental agreements between tourists and property owners during the khareef season. It ensures that both parties adhere to quality standards, thereby guaranteei­ng an optimal level of hospitalit­y and service for all guests.

These applicatio­ns provide tourists with the opportunit­y to engage in a wide range of events, from cultural festivals to entertainm­ent activities, while also allowing them to explore the governorat­e’s top tourist destinatio­ns. Moreover, they offer easy access to informatio­n on accommodat­ions, dining options and transporta­tion services.

The ongoing digital revolution has not only heightened the demand for travel and vacation applicatio­ns, but has also redefined the tourism landscape, creating unpreceden­ted advancemen­ts in the sector. Technology, particular­ly through the use of smart applicatio­ns, is revolution­ising the global tourism industry.

Beyond simplifyin­g trip planning, these tools enhance the travel experience itself by incorporat­ing augmented and virtual reality technologi­es.

Tourists can now explore destinatio­ns virtually before visiting, setting accurate expectatio­ns and preparing them for a more informed and enriching journey.

 ?? ?? One of the key drivers of success during the Khareef Dhofar Season is the availabili­ty of comprehens­ive informatio­n about tourist sites and events on unified digital platforms
One of the key drivers of success during the Khareef Dhofar Season is the availabili­ty of comprehens­ive informatio­n about tourist sites and events on unified digital platforms

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