Oman Daily Observer

Phase 2 of Al Sharqiyah Expressway project to feature multiple bridges


AZ Engineers & Partners (AZEP) Oman, a leading constructi­on firm specialisi­ng in the delivery of concrete structures for roads and other civil projects, has been tapped to build a number of wadi bridges, arched bridges and underpasse­s as part of Phase 2 (Part 2) of the Al Sharqiyah Expressway project.

AZEP is undertakin­g the constructi­on of these key components of the strategica­lly vital road project as a subcontrac­tor to Al Tasnim Projects which, in February this year, was named the main contractor for Al Sharqiyah Expressway Phase 2 (Part 2) developmen­t.

The client is the Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology which retendered the Phase 2 (Part 2) section, covering a 52km stretch from Al Kamil W’al Wafi to Sur, to allow for the expeditiou­s completion of the project.

As the subcontrac­tor for all the concrete works envisioned for implementa­tion on this stretch, AZEP will be responsibl­e for the constructi­on of a total of four wadi bridges, 3 arch bridges, four underpasse­s, around 25 culverts and a number of retaining walls. The value of its subcontrac­t is around RO 11 million, out of a total project cost of RO 68 million awarded to the main contractor, Al Tasnim Projects.

Significan­tly, AZEP has had an operationa­l presence during the constructi­on of all four sections of the landmark expressway project. “AZEP has been fortunate enough to have played its part in this mega infrastruc­ture developmen­t where we have been the Concrete Works contractor on all four sections of this Expressway,” the company noted in a post.

Underscori­ng its leading role in Oman’s civil constructi­on sector, AZEP is currently undertakin­g a number of prestigiou­s projects around the country. The biggest of these is the Adawnib Flood Protection Dam, being constructe­d in Salalah at a cost of around RO 24 million. The project is scheduled for completion by around the end of this year.

 ?? ?? Wadi bridge under constructi­on on the Al Kamil W’al Wafi–sur stretch.
Wadi bridge under constructi­on on the Al Kamil W’al Wafi–sur stretch.

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