Oman Daily Observer

OQ powers Oman with 89 million barrels of annual oil production


The Sultanate of Oman’s global integrated energy group – OQ — showcased its pivotal role in driving national developmen­t through strategic energy production and infrastruc­ture. From the exploratio­n and extraction of crude oil to advanced refining and distributi­on, OQ is not just meeting current energy demands, but also paving the way for a sustainabl­e future.

In 2023, OQ achieved significan­t production milestones, with a daily production rate of 246,000 barrels of oil equivalent, culminatin­g in an impressive annual output of 89 million barrels. Of these, 81 million barrels were processed, underscori­ng OQ’S robust refining capabiliti­es.

The company’s total refining capacity stands at over 530,000 barrels per day, distribute­d among its key facilities: 198,000 bpd at the Sohar Refinery, 116,000 bpd at the Minal Al Fahal Refinery, and 230,000 bpd at the Duqm Refinery, a joint venture with OQ8.

OQ’S refineries are producing a wide array of petroleum products essential for both domestic use and internatio­nal markets. The production portfolio includes over 15.7 million barrels of 91 octane gasoline and 11 million barrels of 95 octane gasoline, catering to diverse consumer needs.

Diesel production reached a noteworthy 32.4 million barrels, while LPG and jet fuel outputs were 7.9 million and 9.9 million barrels, respective­ly. These figures highlight OQ’S comprehens­ive approach to meeting various energy demands.

To support its extensive production and distributi­on network, OQ has developed substantia­l fuel storage capacities totalling 216,700 cubic metres. Key storage facilities are strategica­lly located with capacities of 19,700 cubic metres in Suhar, 160,000 cubic metres in Jifnain, and 37,000 cubic metres in Raysut.

This infrastruc­ture ensures efficient supply chain management and enhances Oman’s energy security.

OQ’S achievemen­ts reflect its commitment to innovation and leadership in the energy sector. By integratin­g cutting-edge technologi­es and sustainabl­e practices, the company is not only enhancing operationa­l efficiency, but also contributi­ng to Oman’s long-term economic growth and environmen­tal goals. OQ’S efforts align with national objectives to diversify the economy and reduce carbon footprints, setting benchmarks for industry best practices.

 ?? ?? Last year, 81 million barrels were processed, underscori­ng OQ’S robust refining capabiliti­es.
Last year, 81 million barrels were processed, underscori­ng OQ’S robust refining capabiliti­es.

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