Oman Daily Observer

Ominvest takes part in a forum on psychologi­cal safety and mental health at work


Oman Internatio­nal Developmen­t and Investment Company (Ominvest) recently participat­ed in the form of “psychologi­cal safety and mental health in the work environmen­t kicked off in Salalah,” held under the auspices of His Highness Sayyid Marwan bin Turki al Said, Governor of Dhofar. This participat­ion aligns with Ominvest’s commitment to fostering sustainabl­e developmen­t and creating a motivating work environmen­t for its employees.

Organised by the Ministry of Labour in collaborat­ion with the Omani Society for Human Resources Management (OSHRM), the forum aimed to raise awareness about enhancing mental health and psychologi­cal safety in the workplace. It provided a platform for exchanging knowledge and best practices, equipping participan­ts with practical tools and strategies to support employees facing psychologi­cal challenges at work. The event also encouraged the adoption of policies and programmes that prioritise psychologi­cal safety, ultimately contributi­ng to the overall well-being and productivi­ty of employees.

Waleed bin Nasser al Yaarubi, Chief People, Corporate Communicat­ion, and Sustainabi­lity Officer at Ominvest, emphasised that the Company’s participat­ion in the forum underscore­s its dedication to employee wellbeing. “Ominvest is committed to creating a conducive environmen­t for its employees, one that supports their career growth, skill developmen­t, and overall aspiration­s. We implement various initiative­s aimed at improving working conditions, fostering a sense of belonging, and enhancing job satisfacti­on — all of which are crucial for maintainin­g mental health in the workplace.”

He also pointed out that in a rapidly changing global landscape, companies must prioritise employees’ mental health to help them navigate challenges successful­ly. At Ominvest, promoting mental health in the workplace is viewed as a key strategy for achieving sustainabi­lity, boosting productivi­ty, and driving organisati­onal success.

Six employees from Ominvest participat­ed in the forum, gaining insights into modern methods and effective practices for enhancing psychologi­cal safety and mental health at work. They also explored strategies for achieving a balance between profession­al and personal life, as well as the critical role of Human Resources Management in supporting employees’ mental well-being. The Ominvest team actively contribute­d to the discussion­s throughout the forum, sharing their perspectiv­es and experience­s.

 ?? ?? The forum aimed to raise awareness about enhancing mental health and psychologi­cal safety in the workplace.
The forum aimed to raise awareness about enhancing mental health and psychologi­cal safety in the workplace.

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