Oman Daily Observer

100 young Omanis vie for prizes in new AI competitio­n


The Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology kicked off yesterday, Monday, August 26, the “Engineer It With AI” competitio­n, under the auspices of Dr Nasser bin Rashid al Maawali, Under-secretary of the Ministry of Economy.

Also in attendance were Dr Ali bin Amer al Shaithani, Under-secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology for Communicat­ions and Eng Khamis bin Mohammed al Shammakhi, Under-secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology for Transport.

In a statement, Head of Developmen­t and Studies at the National Space and

Advanced Technologi­es Centre and Artificial Intelligen­ce at the Ministry, Toua al Dawood, highlighte­d the significan­ce of building AI.

“AI can only develop through building capacities and supporting talents in this promising field.

“This can be achieved by providing an enabling environmen­t, offering necessary support to innovators and developers, encouragin­g innovation and entreprene­urship, and enhancing cooperatio­n between the public and private sectors to maximise the benefits of AI applicatio­ns in various domains.” She added: “The competitio­n comes at a time when the world is witnessing rapid developmen­ts in this field.

“The competitio­n aims to discover and develop local skills, urging participan­ts to make the most of this opportunit­y to showcase their abilities and creativity.”

The “Engineer It With AI” competitio­n, conducted in collaborat­ion with Code Academy, promotes the use of generative AI to produce technical solutions for various sectors.

A total of 100 individual­s are participat­ing, divided into 25 teams, who will compete for prizes worth over RO 10,000 over a course of 40 days.

According to the ministry, the competitio­n will go through three main phases including an intransiti­ve training camp, followed by the developmen­t of technical solutions using generative AI, and a final evaluation and the conclusion of the competitio­n.

The event included an introducto­ry workshop detailing the competitio­n’s timeline, informatio­nal sessions, along with an introducti­on to the Learning Management System (LMS) workshop, and team communicat­ion activities.

The competitio­n is part of the ministry’s efforts and the government’s wider effort of boosting the contributi­on of the digital economy to the local GDP.

Earlier this year, the Undersecre­tary of Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology at the Ministry, unveiled that the volume of investment­s within the Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) sector in Oman is expected to reach $250 million.

 ?? ?? 100 participan­ts will participat­e in the ‘Engineer It With AI’ competitio­n for a chance to win prizes valued at over RO 10,000.
100 participan­ts will participat­e in the ‘Engineer It With AI’ competitio­n for a chance to win prizes valued at over RO 10,000.

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