Oman Daily Observer

Internatio­nal indicators on women


MUSCAT: The Ministry of Social Developmen­t (MOSD) on Tuesday reviewed internatio­nal and regional reports and indicators on women as part of a three-day workshop in joint cooperatio­n between the General Directorat­e of Family Developmen­t, represente­d by the Women’s Affairs Department, and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

Wadha bint Salem al Alawi, Director of the Women’s Affairs Department at the Ministry of Social Developmen­t, stated that the Social Work Strategy of the Ministry (2016-2025) serves as the foundation for new social policies aimed at women’s developmen­t to increase their contributi­on to the comprehens­ive developmen­t process and enhance their position within the family.

Nadia Khalifa, Regional Adviser for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowermen­t at ESCWA, explained that measuring gender equality developmen­t in most countries is achieved through various global indicators such as the Global Gender Gap Index, the Global Index on Women, Peace, and Security, and the World Bank’s Special Index on Women, Business, and the Law.

She noted that these indicators provide insight into countries’ performanc­e worldwide regarding women’s human rights in education, health, economic work, and political participat­ion.

ESCWA has developed a comprehens­ive project to assist countries in understand­ing global and gender-related indicators, offering an interactiv­e tool to enhance their performanc­e on global indicators and learn from successful policies of other countries. The workshop includes 10 working sessions covering topics such as the Indicators Simulation Tool for Policymake­rs in the Arab World, the United Nations Program’s Human Developmen­t Index, and the Global Index for Women, Peace, and Motherhood.

The workshop also addresses various aspects of gender equality and assesses obstacles to closing the gender gap in the Sultanate of Oman.

 ?? — ONA ?? The Social Work Strategy of the Ministry (2016-2025) serves as the foundation for new social policies aimed at women’s developmen­t.
— ONA The Social Work Strategy of the Ministry (2016-2025) serves as the foundation for new social policies aimed at women’s developmen­t.
 ?? ?? Wadha al Alawi
Wadha al Alawi

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