Oman Daily Observer

Build-transfer-operate model for old airport terminal project


Expression­s of Interest (EOI) for the redevelopm­ent of the old terminal of Muscat Internatio­nal Airport at Al Seeb are due in by tomorrow, July 9, 2024, marking a key milestone in a competitiv­e tender floated by Oman Airports for this prestigiou­s project.

According to Oman Airports — part of Oman Investment Authority (OIA) — the successful bidder will be awarded a contract to design, finance, build, transfer and operate the project on a Build-transfer-operate (BTO) basis.

The contract period will be not less than 20 - 25 years, inclusive of the constructi­on phase, to ensure the commercial viability of the project.

Envisioned for redevelopm­ent is a gross floor area of 50,000 m2 that currently houses, among other components, the old Seeb Airport Terminal, which served as Oman’s primary gateway for commercial air traffic for 45 years until 2018, when the new Muscat Internatio­nal Airport was launched.

As part of the redevelopm­ent, interested developers are invited to transform the site into an upscale mixed-use commercial hub featuring, among other components, retail and F&B elements, business hub and multi-level car park. An aviation museum is proposed as well.

According to Oman Airports, the selected bidder may form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to oversee the project’s complete lifecycle, from design and constructi­on to operation and maintenanc­e.

Under the BTO framework, the selected SPV will design, finance, construct and transfer the asset to Oman Airports post-constructi­on, which will be followed by a long-term operationa­l period.

To recoup its investment in the redevelopm­ent, the SPV will have the right to collect revenues generated from the commercial activities within the developmen­t.

A revenue-sharing mechanism envisions part of the revenues retained by the SPV, with the rest shared with Oman Airports.

Alternativ­ely, a fixed facility fee for the entire leasing term may be proposed by Oman Airports.

In underscori­ng the project’s investment appeal, Oman Airports has highlighte­d the site’s favourable location in the heart of Airport Heights, a rapidly urbanising suburb of the capital city.

Its proximity to the city’s main landmarks, including hotels, new airport, shopping malls, and Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre, is also a distinctiv­e advantage.

Commercial traffic to the new developmen­t is assured not only by its excellent connectivi­ty with Sultan Qaboos Highway and Muscat Expressway, but also by a proposed metro line that will have one of its main stops constructe­d right in front of the old terminal.

On June 30, Oman Airports hosted representa­tives from prospectiv­e developers on a tour of the Seeb Airport Terminal site.

According to a timeline of the tendering process, the results of the EOI submission­s are anticipate­d tentativel­y by July 20, 2024, with a Request for Proposals (RFP) slated for release sometime early next month.

 ?? ?? The Old Airport Terminal sits within the Airport Gate – one of multiple clusters envisioned for investment and developmen­t around Muscat Internatio­nal Airport
The Old Airport Terminal sits within the Airport Gate – one of multiple clusters envisioned for investment and developmen­t around Muscat Internatio­nal Airport

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