Oman Daily Observer

Al Fazayah Beach a must-visit spot in Dhofar

- Text by Arwa Al Hashimi Photos by Mohammed Al Mashari

Al Fazayah Beach is a hidden gem in Dhofar with its crystal clear waters, soft white sand and stunning rock formations.

It is located in the Wilayat of Rakhyout on the western side of Salalah, about 64 km away from Salalah Internatio­nal Airport. After crossing Al Mughsayl Beach and Marneef Cave and Al Mughsayl blowholes, a hairpin road will take you to the amazing beach.

There are many activities that tourists can enjoy on this beach such as dolphin watching as the warm water temperatur­es make it an ideal place for dolphins.

Amazingly, visitors can now book boats through tourism companies to watch the dolphins and enjoy an amazing opportunit­y to see these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.

That is why this is definitely an activity that shouldn’t be missed during a visit to Dhofar.

The beach stands out with many natural features that enrich tourists and visitors through its ancient archaeolog­ical sites, beautiful sandy beaches, uniquely shaped sedimentar­y rocks, scattered islands and extensive bays.

Additional­ly, this area is distinguis­hed by frankincen­se trees and an ancient natural harbour called “Mehait,” derived from the word “Raha”, comfort in English, meaning that there shall be no tiredness or misery for its users, especially fishermen.

The area is rich in marine wealth, including surface and bottom fish, as well as shrimp and squid fishing.

What makes Al Fazayah Beach particular­ly fascinatin­g are the ancient ruins of the area.

There are three towers in different locations: the largest is on a large rocky outcrop, the second is on a rock in the bay where boats anchor, and the third is on the island located about a mile to a mile and a half from the shore.

Al Fazayah represents a promising tourist destinatio­n due to its unique sites and terrains, such as sedimentar­y rocks resembling various creatures, including a rock that looks like a woman’s face and another like an elephant’s head, among others.

These rocks spark a lot of interest and descriptio­ns from enthusiast­s based on their interpreta­tions.

The area is now equipped with a range of amenities such as parking spaces, public restrooms, umbrellas, restaurant­s and cafes to meet all family needs, making it the perfect spot to relax and unwind.

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