Oman Daily Observer

South Africa inaugurate­s unpreceden­ted unity govt


South Africa’s new unity government under President Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in on Wednesday, the first of its kind in the country after 30 years of rule by the ANC.

Ahead of the 32 ministers -- from six parties -- making up the cabinet, Paul Mashatile, who has been re-appointed deputy president, was the first to take the oath during the televised ceremony in Cape Town.

On Sunday, Ramaphosa, 71, unveiled his highly anticipate­d coalition government, which includes the leader of the former main opposition party and sees the number of ministries rise from 30 to 32. There are also 43 deputy ministers.

His African National Congress (ANC), which has governed since the advent of democracy in 1994, sought to form a government of national unity after losing its outright parliament­ary majority in May 29 elections.

The party, which won just over 40 per cent in the poll, keeps 20 cabinet positions, including foreign affairs, finance, defence, justice and police.

Its largest coalition partner and long-time critic, the Democratic Alliance (DA), won 21.8 per cent and will head six ministries, including agricultur­e, public works and communicat­ion. DA leader John Steenhuise­n, 48, was appointed agricultur­e minister.

Along with his party, he has criticised the ANC for failing to tackle high violent crime rates, a lacklustre economy and a crippling energy crisis.

The Zulu nationalis­t Inkatha Freedom Party, anti-immigratio­n

Patriotic Alliance, right-wing Afrikaans party Freedom-front Plus and other smaller parties will hold six cabinet positions between them. Fourteen ministers are women and there are 18 women serving as deputy ministers.

The new government heralds a pragmatic shift to the centre right, bringing hope for better governance but also cohesion fears.

US President Joe Biden called Ramaphosa on Tuesday “to congratula­te him on his recent election and the successful formation of the government of national unity”, according to the presidency.

US President Joe Biden called Ramaphosa to congratula­te him on his recent election and the successful formation of the government of national unity

 ?? — AFP ?? General view of the swearing-in ceremony for the newly formed South African Cabinet at the Cape Town Internatio­nal Conference Centre.
— AFP General view of the swearing-in ceremony for the newly formed South African Cabinet at the Cape Town Internatio­nal Conference Centre.

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