Oman Daily Observer

Green gold rush: How Oman’s renewable energy policies attract foreign investment­s

- MARYAM AHMED YOUSUF AL NOFLI om The author is a faculty staff member at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences — Musandam Branch

Recently, the world has witnessed a remarkable phenomenon known as the “Green Gold Rush,” a surge in investment­s focused on clean technology. This extraordin­ary movement unites sustainabi­lity and profitabil­ity, signalling a sea change in the goals of the global economy. Once considered a niche industry, green technologi­es have quickly become a mainstay of investment plans as more people realise how well they can address urgent environmen­tal issues while generating large profits.

This paradigm shift in investment is in response to the pressing need to combat climate change and the growing demand from a variety of businesses for environmen­tally friendly, sustainabl­e solutions.

Furthermor­e, this trend offers investors a rare chance to profit from the growing market for green solutions while also making a beneficial impact on the planet’s future in a time when environmen­tal responsibi­lity is of the utmost importance.

Dubbed the “Green Gold Rush,” Oman’s renewable energy policies have been instrument­al in transformi­ng the nation into a beacon for global investors seeking opportunit­ies in the burgeoning green energy sector.

The Sultanate of Oman, longrecogn­ised for its oil wealth, has realised in recent years how critical it is to diversify its economy and lessen its reliance on fossil resources. As a result, the country is launching massive renewable energy projects to usher in a new era of economic diversific­ation.

Furthermor­e, this recognitio­n has led to the creation of a robust legislativ­e framework that aims to foster the growth of renewable energy projects.

This strategy shift aims to draw significan­t internatio­nal investment­s in addition to guaranteei­ng sustainabl­e developmen­t.

One of the main focuses of Oman Vision 2040, a comprehens­ive plan for economic diversific­ation and sustainabi­lity, is renewable energy.

Oman wants to produce 30% more electricit­y from renewable sources by 2030, which is a significan­t increase from the present percentage. Several high-profile renewable energy initiative­s underscore Oman’s commitment to green transforma­tion, each significan­tly contributi­ng to the country’s renewable energy landscape. One standout project is the Ibri II Solar Project, a massive 500 MW solar power plant representi­ng an investment of $400 million.

This project exemplifie­s growing investor confidence in Oman’s renewable energy sector. Once operationa­l, Ibri II is expected to power approximat­ely 33,000 households and reduce carbon emissions by an impressive 340,000 tonnes annually. Another pivotal initiative is the Duqm Wind Power Project, designed with a planned capacity of 200 MW to harness Oman’s abundant wind resources.

This project has attracted investment­s from internatio­nal energy giants and is set to play a crucial role in Oman’s renewable energy infrastruc­ture.

Diversifyi­ng the energy mix through projects like Duqm opens new avenues for economic developmen­t in the region, in addition to strengthen­ing energy security. The strategic crafting of Oman’s renewable energy policies not only fosters sustainabl­e developmen­t but also attracts significan­t foreign investment­s. These policies include a range of incentives, including tax breaks, long-term power purchase agreements (PPAS), and favourable regulatory frameworks.

The implementa­tion of these regulation­s has demonstrat­ed significan­t efficacy in attracting global investors to Oman’s renewable energy sector, leading to a noteworthy surge in foreign direct investment­s (FDI) in sustainabl­e energy projects such as wind, solar, and other green energy projects.

Compared to other countries in the region, Oman’s proactive approach has positioned it as a frontrunne­r in attracting foreign capital to the renewable energy sector. Statistica­l evidence underscore­s the significan­ce of these policies. According to the Oman Investment Authority, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Oman’s renewable energy sector increased by 25% in 2021 alone, totalling $2.5 billion.

This cash inflow has expedited the Sultanate of Oman’s infrastruc­ture for renewable energy developmen­t, solidifyin­g Oman’s position as a regional leader in the shift to sustainabl­e energy.

Oman’s renewable energy efforts have other advantages besides luring internatio­nal capital. The growth of renewable energy initiative­s has an impact on the entire economy.

By 2030, the renewable energy sector has the potential to generate up to 15,000 jobs, spanning from constructi­on and engineerin­g to operations and maintenanc­e. This job creation is essential for a nation whose population is young and expanding.

The transition to renewable energy will significan­tly reduce Oman’s carbon footprint in terms of the environmen­t.

The combined output of the Ibri II and Duqm projects alone will cut carbon emissions by over 500,000 tonnes annually.

This reduction is critical to mitigating climate change impacts and aligning Oman with global sustainabi­lity goals.

Several proposals might be taken into considerat­ion to enhance Oman’s renewable energy investment environmen­t. Regulatory structures must be strengthen­ed to give investors stability and clarity.

To overcome infrastruc­tural issues and assist the expansion of the renewable energy sector, investment­s in energy storage systems and grid upgrades are crucial. To speed the shift to greener energy sources, government agencies, private investors, and technology companies should work together to promote public-private partnershi­ps, which can also spur innovation and sustainabl­e developmen­t in the renewable energy sector.

Looking ahead, Oman’s renewable energy industry seems promising. The government’s proactive stance and the growing global demand for sustainabl­e energy solutions create a positive perspectiv­e. Projects such as the Al Mazyouna Solar Plant and other wind farms in the Dhofar region demonstrat­e a robust pipeline of developmen­ts that will further support the industry.

In summary, Oman is reaping major economic and environmen­tal benefits from its strategic transition to renewable energy. By fostering an environmen­t that is welcoming to internatio­nal investors, the Sultanate of Oman is taking advantage of the “Green Gold Rush” and positionin­g itself as a leader in the global renewable energy industry. This innovative approach not only ensures Oman’s sustainabi­lity but also serves as a potent model for other countries in the region.


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 ?? Image for illustrati­on only. ?? The country is launching massive renewable energy projects to usher in a new era of economic diversific­ation.
Image for illustrati­on only. The country is launching massive renewable energy projects to usher in a new era of economic diversific­ation.

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