Oman Daily Observer

Bankdhofar wins Euromoney best bank for corporates award


Bankdhofar, a leading bank in the Sultanate of Oman, has been recognised as the “Best Bank for Corporates in Oman” by Euromoney, a world-renowned financial publicatio­n. This award underscore­s Bankdhofar’s dedication to providing comprehens­ive and innovative financial solutions to Omani Corporates that empower businesses to thrive.

Bankdhofar has a comprehens­ive suite of products to meet the growing needs of Omani Corporates including Lending and Working Capital, Trade Finance products including import and export financing, Transactio­n Banking products ensuring faster collection and automated reconcilia­tion services.

Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence are highly respected within the global banking sector. Winning this distinctio­n solidifies Bankdhofar’s position as a leader in corporate banking within the Sultanate of Oman.

The bank has been recognised for its commitment to delivering a comprehens­ive suite of corporate banking products and services, providing tailored financial solutions to meet the unique needs of each client and offering exceptiona­l customer service and support to corporate clients.

Bankdhofar’s dedication to corporate banking is reflected in its various initiative­s, including developing industrysp­ecific solutions for different sectors, providing cash management solutions to optimise business finances and offering trade finance solutions to facilitate internatio­nal trade.

By prioritisi­ng exceptiona­l corporate banking services, Bankdhofar empowers businesses in Oman to achieve their financial goals.

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