Oman Daily Observer

Poland’s Tusk issues rallying cry to pro-european forces

- — Reuters

Pro-european politician­s must act decisively in tackling issues of concern to ordinary voters like illegal migration to counter rising nationalis­m, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Tuesday, after far-right gains in French and EU elections.

Tusk was speaking alongside Chancellor Olaf Scholz after intergover­nmental consultati­ons between the Polish and German cabinets as they look to deepen ties.

France, the third member of the ‘Weimar Triangle’ grouping, is reeling from the far-right’s victory in Sunday’s first round of its parliament­ary election.

“The French election is not the only quite critical moment, in many places we can see the growth of forces that do not hide their euroscepti­c attitude,” Tusk told a joint news conference with Scholz in Warsaw. “That is why it is so important that moderate, reasonable, pro-european forces... find convincing answers to what has become important for ordinary people — the effective fight against illegal migration, security, greater economic sustainabi­lity, increased industrial coordinati­on.”

Scholz said he was sure that relations between Paris, Berlin and Warsaw would remain strong despite Marine Le Pen’s farright National Rally (RN) party making historic gains in France, which will hold a second round of voting next Sunday.

“We are of course two very proeuropea­n nations and two very pro-european government­s,” Scholz said of Poland and Germany. “We know that our future can only succeed together with Europe and that is also the basis for why, in my view, we have reached very concrete agreements on what we will do next.”

Following Tuesday’s intergover­nmental talks, the first since 2018, Germany and Poland presented a joint action plan in which they agreed to discuss boosting defence cooperatio­n, including a stronger Nato presence on the alliance’s eastern border, and the coordinati­on of Ukraine aid. However, difference­s on defence were also visible.

Tusk has been a vocal proponent of common EU financing of defence projects, but Scholz has said the bloc should not be involved in financing arms purchases or national defence budgets. Tusk said he would continue to stress to EU partners including Germany the importance of coordinati­on in defence purchases.

“Poland spends huge amounts of money on armaments,” Tusk said. “I would like our efforts to be well coordinate­d with the efforts of other countries.”

The French election is not the only quite critical moment, in many places we can see the growth of forces that do not hide their euroscepti­c attitude

DONALD TUSK Polish Prime Minister

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