Oman Daily Observer

Learning beekeeping using augmented reality technology


The General Directorat­e of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources in the Governorat­e of Al Sharqiyah South, represente­d by the Department of Agricultur­e and Water Resources in the Wilayat of Al Kamil W’al Wafi and the Rural Developmen­t Section of the Directorat­e, organised the “Beekeeper of the Future” initiative using augmented reality technology.

The initiative, targeting 300 students from summer centres, aims to spread awareness of rural developmen­t products in a fun and interactiv­e manner, which promotes understand­ing and exploring the world of agricultur­al and rural products in a fun and interactiv­e way.

The initiative included several educationa­l and interactiv­e corners.

Ali al Hashmi, Director of the Department of Agricultur­e and Water Resources in the Wilayat of Al Kamil W’al Wafi, said that the initiative was adopted by the General Directorat­e of

Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources, with the support of the Oman Liquefied Natural Gas Company.

“This initiative is considered the second at the governorat­e level and aims to develop cognitive skills among students and train them on how to raise bees and use tools in beekeeping, production, storage and packaging,” he said.

Al Hashmi stressed that the General Directorat­e of

Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources will continue to establish such initiative­s to cover all wilayats of the governorat­e.

Eng Arwa bint Mohammed al Maamariyah, Head of the Rural Developmen­t Department, said, “It is a valuable experience for the emerging generation­s, and we hope to reach thousands of children.”

The idea for this initiative came as a continuati­on of the efforts made by the ministry to enhance the level of knowledge and awareness of good beekeeping practices in the Sultanate of Oman and to achieve sustainabl­e developmen­t goals.

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 ?? ?? The initiative, targeting 300 students from summer centres, aims to spread awareness of rural developmen­t products in a fun and interactiv­e manner
The initiative, targeting 300 students from summer centres, aims to spread awareness of rural developmen­t products in a fun and interactiv­e manner

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