Oman Daily Observer

Task force intensifie­s health inspection during khareef


As Khareef Dhofar season advances, Dhofar Governorat­e is intensifyi­ng its health inspection and control measures across commercial establishm­ents, restaurant­s and mobile vendors. These rigorous efforts are aimed at ensuring that all entities adhere to the highest health safety standards, thereby providing a safe and healthy environmen­t for both visitors and residents.

Health control teams are operationa­l around the clock in various wilayats of the governorat­e, divided into morning and evening shifts. This comprehens­ive initiative highlights the commitment of the relevant authoritie­s to elevate the quality of services offered during this crucial tourist season, which draws thousands of visitors to Dhofar to relish its breathtaki­ng natural landscapes and outstandin­g tourist amenities.

Hamed bin Mohammed Bamousa, Director of the Health Affairs Department in Dhofar Municipali­ty, detailed in a Twitter post that the municipali­ty has enacted a decision to form a task force dedicated to the management and regulation of temporary activities. This encompasse­s the organisati­on and establishm­ent of markets for productive families in coordinati­on with relevant authoritie­s, and the eliminatio­n of unauthoris­ed and non-compliant activities. The subcommitt­ee will ensure strict adherence to health regulation­s, with inspection teams from the Health Control Department working tirelessly in shifts across different wilayats.

In addition to these measures, Dhofar Governorat­e has also launched a public awareness campaign to educate both residents and visitors about the importance of health and safety practices. This campaign includes informativ­e sessions, distributi­on of educationa­l materials and active engagement on social media platforms to reach a wider audience. The goal is to foster a culture of health consciousn­ess that will complement the regulatory efforts being implemente­d.

Moreover, the municipali­ty is collaborat­ing with various stakeholde­rs, including local businesses, community leaders and healthcare providers, to create a unified front in maintainin­g the highest standards of public health. Regular meetings and workshops are being organised to ensure that all parties are aligned with the health safety objectives and are equipped to handle any challenges that may arise during the busy season.

The establishm­ent of the task force for the management and regulation of temporary activities is a significan­t step towards streamlini­ng the operations of temporary markets and events.

 ?? ?? Health control teams are operationa­l around the clock in various wilayats
Health control teams are operationa­l around the clock in various wilayats

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